Indoor Blk. Northern Lights Auto by A-Train


@A-Train was wondering exactly how you do your nutrient schedule even though you posted it, I was wondering if you put nutrients say on day 5 you start a new cycle so nutrients on day 5 then the next watering nutrients again, or plain water? Nutrients, plain water, nutrients? Or nutrients at every watering? Sorry for sounding like a complete noob, I notice you don't flush? Or did I miss something.. also what's your average days between watering? Sorry for all the questions but your obviously dialed in, and I like to learn. I appreciate any help.
I use nutrients on every watering. I just ramp them up as i go. Also the watering starts at .5 liters every 3 days or so then by the end its 1.5 or 2 liters a day.

Theres technically not a "flush" but the end phase is only bennies and organics so theres no need to flush those out the nectar for the gods line doesnt leave any bad taste
Priceless advice from a grower like you, I'm sure others will appreciate that too. My dam watering and nutrient skills still aren't down after multiple grows :face: I have the fox farm trio and just added mammoth p and recharge I cannot wait to try those! I looked into a couple of ones you have and they are unavailable where I am unfortunately..
It was harvested lol... the last pics up above were on chop day..
:face: stoner moment I guess lol.. whatbwas your dry weight? Any trimmed buds shots? I love me some northern lights I'm actually smoking some now not the greatest batch I got my hands on tho...
How long did she take, @A-Train?
Mine startet flowering about day 40, so expect chopping in January.