Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

@Waira do you speako the Englisho mi amigo....???? My guru quark strange and quark buddy.

Buggered if I know what the previous post was about........any takers ??? Mind you, I have inhaled......somewhat !!! Help me out here or consign me to a bin in a dark alley ....................eP..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Just a couple old friends talking the essentials of plants and growing lol.... we have been discussing nutes and feeds for a while. Im finally getting my schedule dialed in thanks to hours of research and chatting with @Waira about the badics were not far off from having a jam up feed schedule
@A-Train fantastic job bud. Time for some nice smoke and grill
Im just loving getting back to the tent and focusing on my plants.... hope you all enjoy as well... please dont be shy and leave a comment... lets chat..

Black stone ... really loving this plant...


And finally some purpd from the datk devil in the @gbd super soil and killing it
