ah! that's what I wanted to know,.. I was concerned about the amount of dolomite you were amending with, on top of the Ca-Mg supp's... both from a pH standpoint, and TDS release over time,... that much dolo' will fight your lowering of pH like a mo-fo', and the acidic inputs will dissolve the CaCO3 into it's component ions, during the buffering process, and load up that TDS ppm's, making for potential uptake issues with other nutes,... toxicity with Ca and Mg is not well documented, at least by me,.. yes it;'s possible, but the amount, I believe, would have to be so stoopid big that other issues would show at the same time, muddying the diagnostic waters,... Oh, GO has changed their CaMg+ formula now, confirmed in store,.. it 1-0-0 like CaliMagic, with MgNO3 sourcing,.. not a big deal, but I do like the all carbonate derived formula! ... Right, on the phophate compounded sources, because of carbonates ineratctions with acidity and pH buffering, sometimes it's not the best most readily available form,... I was reading up on the NFTG line-up, and did see a lot of PO3 and SO4 sourcing,... :smoking:
... I'm with you, the nute changes and the inoculant bombing is behind this production jump!
... ooOOooo-- nekked chicks!
... Moby is off the hook my friend! how's she smell? her buzz will have you pulling weeds up at midnight if you smoke her in the eve'-
Good thing you have the other Indi' strains to ease you down,... I think your Lady will really love the Moby!
My girls are launched! 5 in pots today after 2 days, 2 more cracked but need a little more time in the hatchery, one not cracked yet,... I'm torn with that Burmese Diesel, if she doesn't germ',.. try another, or fire of that Orange Hill Special!