Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

@Waira my friend i will do a revision to my latest feed and get it on here asap... but i have it dialed now.... amd after we talkes i added a product called DENSE from green planet... its a 0-0-62 powder .... nope not a typo.. 0-0-62 ALL K .... i hit them with it 2 maybe 3 times in the last 3 weeks of straight herculean harvest and bennies...
:smoking: roger that brudda!-- Holy poop tea, that's fierce stuff! I have read a few articles that state during last stage, more P is not the answer, elevated K is the ticket,... some S ( plays a big role in aromatics), and maybe a wee hit of micronutes to boost all the catalytic roles they play as the plant starts to metabolize their inner stores,... I highly recommend Earth Juice Microblast, which covers both bases nicely, since many of the metal cations are compounded with sulfates... Oh, I was actually thinking more of your lime inputs, and Ca-Mg,... :pass:
@Waira i cut all of the lime inputs ots just straight promix HP.... the Ca-MG from GO is 0-0-0 and i dump in 3 or 4 ml per liter every other watering or so as soon as i start to see stretching i use some added calcium from oregons only but its a calcium phosphate not a nitrate or carbonate and is more readily available to the plant from my understanding.

The big difference i have seen has been using the RECHARGE and the mammoth P. I give the RECHARGE double strength 1 time weekly full pot watering and as soon as buds start forming and i switch to bloom feed they get mammoth P every watering at .5ml/L
Cheers a-train- ive been caught up in a house move, lots of problems with sewers and ceptic tank to keep me busy!
When i get a room up and running again i want to try a simpler set up like yours.
Thats soil mix looks really good- biotabs is another option.
Interested to see how dense helps flowers too