Indoor A-Train and Amare ..... Solar Eclipse 250 / 450 UVB Perpetual Autoflower Grow

Today its Root zone day... not all plants needed water but the ones who did got Double strength RECHERGE and SLF100.... both outstanding products


Now its time to take you to Church..... gotta love it when you open the tent and see some light worship going on... this Fastbuds tangiematic inspired by @Ripper is one happy lady under that Amare SE450UVB


Heres a little tip from my experience under cobs... for the happiest plants in flower i keep my canopy close to 1000 ppfd over the widest area possible. At this point my plants usually pray to the lights and stay healthy with no bleaching of cola tops and vigourous growth

Some of the colas that reach past the canopy a bit hit 1200 or 1300 but keeping them rotated daily will help prevent bleaching and result in nice rock hard colas. Anything around 1500 is too much. Your leaves can wilt and your buds will bleach and begin to open up leaving them less than perfect when dried..


This black stone is one beautiful girl... the green planet DENSE has created boulders on her colas... and the UVB from the Amare kick the trich production into overdrive...


And we also have Lemon Skunk moving along in the Veg tent.

@Waira @Fairlynew here is the latest feed schedule.... its pretty spot on and produces my best plants yet... ill continue to research and improve where i can. My plan now is to maintain the quality and reduce cost..

This feed is obviously tweaked if i see the plant will be a longer running strain i just continue each section out a few more days but it works for most of the autos i run

Day 1 to day 5= Roots Excellurator Gold

Day 5 to day 20 = 1ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / B52 / Rhino Skin 2ml/L - Vodoo Juice

Day 20 to day 30 = 2ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / cal/mag / Sensizyme / Rhino Skin 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8

Day 30 to day 35 = 2ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / cal/mag / Vodoo Juice / Rhino Skin 1ml/L Liquid W-8

Day 35 to day 40 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / cal/mag / Massive / Vodoo Juice / Rhino Skin 1ml/L - Liquid W-8 .5ml/L - Mammoth P

Day 40 to day 45 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / cal/mag / Massive / Sensizyme 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8 .5ml/L - Mammoth P

Day 45 to day 55 = 2ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B / cal/mag / Massive / Finisher 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8 .5ml/ - Mammoth P

Day 55 til finish = 3ml/L Herculean Harvest each watering except DENSE days

Green Planet DENSE = 2 Grams/L applied 3 to 5 times between day 55 and chop on water only day during flush with at least 3 days between applications

RECHARGE - 1 time weekly applied at double strength from sprout til chop

SLF100 - applied with RECHARGE one time weekly at 5ml/gal from sprout til chop
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Sounds like a well dialed in schedule A-Train. Green Planet makes some quality products. Do you think adding mammoth P in root development might help with root mass and there is no need for a enzyme product when using MammothP A-Train IMO but that is one dialed in regime very close to mine
Mammoth P has been an amazing product and my flowers are bigger and more dense than ever since using it but it being focused on unlocking P to make it more available in flower at that price i didnt see the need to use it in veg.... the RECHARGE covers all the bases for a proper root zone along with the daily vodoo and sensi .... Ill be doing research with a product called photosynthesis plus in a side by side against mammoth. Iys about 1/3 the cost
That is great news A-train Mammoth P is not cheap. keep up the great work my man. The proof is in the pictures and your accolades. You are a MASTER GROWER simple as that
Also after looking into it long and hard i do realize the mammoth product will essentially create enzymes the SLF100 is a product the utilizes specific enzymes proficient at breaking down salts. We all know using the GP and AN my medium will be pack full of salts so i use the slf 100 to aid in not allowing it to build up. I am looking into dropping the sensi in bloom but i aint gonna lie. The plants seem to respond to it. The first 2 weeks of the flower switch they perk up like they have been electrified.
Your making me Blush bro but that means a lot to me. Can you get your hands on GP root builder? It is cheaper then voo doo and is the BOMB but voo doo is a proven and if you can get it cheaper stick with it but if you can you should try it root builder
Ill look for it the next time im out of vodoo. I have .5 liters left