Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

mbap 1& 2 lights off & on
A few strains have this behavior, 3bog is one, from reading people's grows,

However we're 24/0 at the farm and this doesn't occur,

Cheers Mitch
Hi Mitch,

Now that I see that your girls are raised under 24/7 at The Farm, that's how I'm going to raise 'em here. Cob is pretty cheap to run.

Taking away 1 hour of sleep each successive night, until I'm 24/7. 4 nights.

cheers :)

Jah Strength

All are invited to check out my current first grow. [emoji271] Mephisto; DP.
Hi Mitch,

Now that I see that your girls are raised under 24/7 at The Farm, that's how I'm going to raise 'em here. Cob is pretty cheap to run.

Taking away 1 hour of sleep each successive night, until I'm 24/7. 4 nights.

cheers :)

Jah Strength

All are invited to check out my current first grow. [emoji271] Mephisto; DP.
24/0 is where it's at
5 weeks today.
24½" tall, 23" wide.
3¼" growth over last 48 hours.
Recently promoted to center of the tent.

My MBAP is in a 4x4x7 tent, sharing 535W of 3500K Johnson Grow Lights CX-9. (9 x clu048. Meanwell drivers) Johnson is now DBA Horticultural Lighting Group, and has some nice looking quantum boards too.

I'm using the gbd super soil mix w/ Nectar number 4 soil.
AAC Teas.( Ewc, biodynamic compost)
G.O. CaMg +, or Roots Elemental.
Foliar: MgS04, kelp, & yucca.

Transitioning from 20/4 to 24/0.

Thanks for scoping out my MBAP. Hit me up with any questions or thoughts.

5 weeks today.
24½" tall, 23" wide.
3¼" growth over last 48 hours.
Recently promoted to center of the tent.

My MBAP is in a 4x4x7 tent, sharing 535W of 3500K Johnson Grow Lights CX-9. (9 x clu048. Meanwell drivers) Johnson is now DBA Horticultural Lighting Group, and has some nice looking quantum boards too.

I'm using the gbd super soil mix w/ Nectar number 4 soil.
AAC Teas.( Ewc, biodynamic compost)
G.O. CaMg +, or Roots Elemental.
Foliar: MgS04, kelp, & yucca.

Transitioning from 20/4 to 24/0.

Thanks for scoping out my MBAP. Hit me up with any questions or thoughts.

Oh yeah that's the ripleys pheno go sho. She's going to be a tall girl!

Day 29 for this crazy stretchy lady. Over the last four days she has stretched quite a bit. She stood 23 inches by the end of the night tonight. That's 7.5 inches in four days, yeah I would say she is going to be big!

I thought I would feed her with some Remo nutrients, see if that boosts her growth even more. Why, because I'm crazy. So now she is on a tea/Remo feed blend. Will be interesting to see how that goes.

It's kinda cool to see her lower branches sort of LST'ING themselves. They aren't coming out at a 45 degree angle but closer to 70 degrees. The flower sites are stretching themselves up towards the light. Very nice.


Enjoy. :pass:
Oh yeah that's the ripleys pheno go sho. She's going to be a tall girl!
Right on.
She doesn't have far to go before I need to hook her up in the restraints.
I've been playing around with my net trellis and The White Train. Pulled the cola down just below the side branch buds. I think that stimulates hormones in the " new tops". She looks damn good tho. I know she's yellow. Each sussessive plant of my first grow looks better than it's predecessors, so I think I am headed in the right direction....[emoji271]

Also, Horticultural Lighting Group recommends leaving 30" between cob and tops, so I have my trellis 36" down, leaving 6" free for vertical growth.

♂️[emoji199][emoji89][emoji201] is the first mamacita to hit pre flower without prevalent discoloration, so I still take a deep breath every time I open the tent, expecting some spots, or some yellow.
The pink petioles are trying to creep in. I think that's a pH problem because I noticed Phosphorus accessibility drops off precipitously below 6. I am at 5.8 cause I can't pH the teas. {Update: pH 6.3 [emoji122]}Gonna bring in some H²0 @ like 6.6 next hydration. {not anymore}

But I happened to have a sample of Roots HP², straight P. So I whipped up a little batch of P, and kelp, and yucca foliar. I Wikipedia-ed foliar feeding, (ff) and the discovery of ff included Phosphorus in the experiments, which was shown to quickly spread throughout the plant.
So I went for it!
I like the accelerated learning process of my 9 plant first grow.

Unrelated and potentially impertinent, my Auto Livers1 was born the same day as MBAP. She is a mutant dwarf, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. She started slooowwwly, like not growing for a couple weeks. The rest of the tent was yellow, and she was TINY but GREEN. So, a keeper! Intent on giving her a chance, but reluctant to waste the real estate incase she fizzled, I dropped AL2 in the same pot.
As soon as 2 popped up, 1 got jealous and began acting out, expanding and throwing shade on 2. Lol

So I am LSTing 2 to the side to keep be her basking in the PAR.

Thanks for your temporary indulgence but I'll try to stick to the ♂️[emoji199][emoji89][emoji201]. Thats why we're here. : )

Began MBAP shock-cord LST last night. Pictures at 11.

Jah Blessings to all y'all MBAP cultivators.

Much Love