Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

Is this sanctioned by AFN? You are putting up a lot of rules to enter "a mostly friendly grow off!" Prizes are not allowed from non vendors by my understanding, also I don't see a way to donate never mind the open solicitation for said donations . This sounds fishy to me :point:

Yeah we can't put up any seeds for prizes as members, the AFN mods would have to work that out.
In any case, I am totally down for a friendly comp. Even a MBAP badge for the winner would be nice enough of a prize for me :pass:
The reason I went ahead and started the thread is to kick start the "sanctioning" process if you will. Since we had a 12 page thread about doing a meph grow off I figured there was enough interest to go ahead and start the thread. I figure there will be the prize and stuff(if there is one/are any) along with any changes to the rules by a mod to come along after the thread has been made and before the comp begins
Annnnnnnnnnnd the first two out of the gate are @Roasty McToasty and @Rhubarb Pi both are lookin good folks. I think this is going to be an epic strain and an epic contest grow off friendly officially non sanctioned battle type situation

Growing her regardless, why not see how she stacks up with others. Derek please tell me you are putting one in DWC, I see these getting huge.:growing:

This is going to be fun.:vibe:
Growing her regardless, why not see how she stacks up with others. Derek please tell me you are putting one in DWC, I see these getting huge.:growing:

This is going to be fun.:vibe:

Yesssssir you know it, and I agree with the Ripley's genes I think they have the potential to be my ideal strain for my super DWC :)
So if you drop your bean on the last day, which is in 14 days a few days for germing and a few days to pop, you are right in there my friend
Well damn. Guess I need to order my hybrid Hempy version 2 supplies. So much rushed lol. 6-1? Start date lmao.
It's cool. If I make it in I make it in. If not no sweat. Def going to try
Someone with no rep whatsoever saying that the man with 38 gazillion rep is fishy? Clearly mate :crying:

I imagine he will pocket all the donations and go and live on a tropical island for the rest of his life with all that cash?

Sorry mate, don't mean to be a pr*ck, but come on dude lighten up! It's AFN brother, no fishiness here :vibe: