Mephisto Genetics 420 Mephisto Grow Off: MAN BEAR ALIEN PIG EDITION

There are free EXIF Editors - I use EXIF Pilot << but other freebies are available << also be aware that applications like Photoshop and Gimp can enter/preserve owner data.

Personally speaking it would be simpler if all uploads were stripped of data before being stored on the server - but hey ho.
I'm pretty sure afn strips the data and does not store it.
The timer is counting....
Day 11 MBAP, poor girl stretched out and was laying down on the coco. Grabbed a handy piece of cardboard and rolled it up to help her get some support.


Day 10 NCH




lookin good @Roasty McToasty

So I am going to have to forego my MBAP that is in the dwc and put her in soil, due to my power restirctions I cannot afford to run my generator for just my air pump and exhaust fan. So I will have to wait and see what the glorious wonders of my super DWC in the dream farm setup will be until next round
lookin good @Roasty McToasty

So I am going to have to forego my MBAP that is in the dwc and put her in soil, due to my power restirctions I cannot afford to run my generator for just my air pump and exhaust fan. So I will have to wait and see what the glorious wonders of my super DWC in the dream farm setup will be until next round

Dang, I was stoked to see your DWC skills in action. Totally understand the power sitch, you just going to transplant? Or just start a new one?
Dang, I was stoked to see your DWC skills in action. Totally understand the power sitch, you just going to transplant? Or just start a new one?

I am going to transplant this one and I also have another one going in soil already and I still have one bean left destined for DWC so i will be good