4 day old seedling / lime green veins

Here's an update from today after dark cycle,

The lime green one (Haze Berry); seems the issue is not getting worse and her new growth is not yellow.
The GSC on the other hand looks mutated and hasn't started new growth, the 3rd leaf you see seems to be part of one her 1st true leaves.
The Runtz seems to be doing well, the white tips are birth marks, from what I read it shouldn't cause any issues.

Like you can see the soil is still wet since I gave them each 1L of water around the pot to make sure roots are getting water.
This way I only have to give water every 3 - 4 days, hopefully the low watering was my issue.
Here's an update from today after dark cycle,

The lime green one (Haze Berry); seems the issue is not getting worse and her new growth is not yellow.
The GSC on the other hand looks mutated and hasn't started new growth, the 3rd leaf you see seems to be part of one her 1st true leaves.
The Runtz seems to be doing well, the white tips are birth marks, from what I read it shouldn't cause any issues.

Like you can see the soil is still wet since I gave them each 1L of water around the pot to make sure roots are getting water.
This way I only have to give water every 3 - 4 days, hopefully the low watering was my issue.
fyi, GSC is the plant I have variegated leaves on. I want to preface my next statement by highlighting my lack of experience. I water my seedlings with a spray bottle in the morning and then again in the evening, everyday and cover with a humidity dome. Also spray the inside of the dome. I keep the medium around the stalk out approx4-6" moist. Water where I want the roots to grow to. It would take me a week for me to use a liter per plant during the seedling phase. I really like the visual feedback the humidity dome gives me. When I don't see Soil discoloration under the dome I know it time to water.

I'm trying to give a different perspective. My growing "rabbi's" RARELY tell me what to do, but rather help me with my thought process. I MAKE MISTAKES. That is why I'm working on my process, so I UNDERSTAND what I did, and what I need to do to prevent it from repeating.
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fyi, GSC is the plant I have variegated leaves on. I want to preface my next statement by highlighting my lack of experience. I water my seedlings with a spray bottle in the morning and then again in the evening, everyday and cover with a humidity dome. Also spray the inside of the dome. I keep the medium around the stalk out approx4-6" moist. Water where I want the roots to grow to. It would take me a week for me to use a liter per plant during the seedling phase. I really like the visual feedback the humidity dome gives me. When I don't see Soil discoloration under the dome I know it time to water.

I'm trying to give a different perspective. My growing "rabbi's" RARELY tell me what to do, but rather help me with my thought process. I MAKE MISTAKES. That is why I'm working on my process, so I UNDERSTAND what I did, and what I need to do to prevent it from repeating.

My only experience comes from books and videos, and in the end what you learn is 20 different ways that contradict one another.
So I'm left with just giving it a go and learn the hard way lol.

My first issue was that my seedlings died off, from lime green to yellow, to stunted.
Now this was my 2nd attempt and I saw the discoloration coming in again, knowing what was coming I made this post to look for help.
The idea was that I let my soil dry out too much and giving too little water, the more I thought about it, the pots wer getting light and considering I gave them 50ml every 2 days it seemed fair to assume the water didn't reach the roots.
So I gave them each 1L to fill up the moisture inside the pot again,

Now having a closed humidity dome on top of my plants would certainly keep the soil underneath moist but I would be scared about damping off,
but again that's another thing you learn from a book and might not be accurate.
I looked at your grow and it certainly worked for you.

Happy for you as it is your first grow, I'm hoping to get there.
Had similar issues and wanted to control the perceived issues. Another member turned me on to the word variegated leaves. I stayed patient and kept environment in tact. Leaf set after leaf set appeared like there was a problem. People told me all sorts of issues starting off with the default "calmag". I did nothing except rainwater ensure ph was good. Everything else in the plant was solid. I'm 1 month in and the plant is rolling. Leaves are greener the last week+.

I have no answers, as I am a first time grower, but I can share my limited experiences.

Wishing u the best.
That was me bro! Your plant was with out a doubt variegation. This is with out a doubt, not that, lol.

Wow.. Ive read this whole thread.. Not one person asked about the genetics.. Like, if you're doing everything you can to control what you can control, and getting the same weird issues, we have to pull back and look at the basics.. Were all the seeds that have had issues from the same breeder or same pack? What seedbank? Seedling shouldn't have feeding issues early on. If they do, its most likely genetic or growers error. Seedling feed off of their cotyledons until the root zone is established, which could take weeks depending on pot size. It should be getting most everything it needs from the cotyledons at this point. Bio bizz light does run a little hot, but what you're seeing isn't nute burn, it's more like a lack of chlorophyll, or potassium. From everything I've read on this thread, it doesn't look or sound like it's due to growers error. I have a feeling that those seedlings would look like that regardless of who germed them or what medium they were in.
That was me bro! Your plant was with out a doubt variegation. This is with out a doubt, not that, lol.

Wow.. Ive read this whole thread.. Not one person asked about the genetics.. Like, if you're doing everything you can to control what you can control, and getting the same weird issues, we have to pull back and look at the basics.. Were all the seeds that have had issues from the same breeder or same pack? What seedbank? Seedling shouldn't have feeding issues early on. If they do, its most likely genetic or growers error. Seedling feed off of their cotyledons until the root zone is established, which could take weeks depending on pot size. It should be getting most everything it needs from the cotyledons at this point. Bio bizz light does run a little hot, but what you're seeing isn't nute burn, it's more like a lack of chlorophyll, or potassium. From everything I've read on this thread, it doesn't look or sound like it's due to growers error. I have a feeling that those seedlings would look like that regardless of who germed them or what medium they were in.
Imitation is the great form of flattery.
That was me bro! Your plant was with out a doubt variegation. This is with out a doubt, not that, lol.

Wow.. Ive read this whole thread.. Not one person asked about the genetics.. Like, if you're doing everything you can to control what you can control, and getting the same weird issues, we have to pull back and look at the basics.. Were all the seeds that have had issues from the same breeder or same pack? What seedbank? Seedling shouldn't have feeding issues early on. If they do, its most likely genetic or growers error. Seedling feed off of their cotyledons until the root zone is established, which could take weeks depending on pot size. It should be getting most everything it needs from the cotyledons at this point. Bio bizz light does run a little hot, but what you're seeing isn't nute burn, it's more like a lack of chlorophyll, or potassium. From everything I've read on this thread, it doesn't look or sound like it's due to growers error. I have a feeling that those seedlings would look like that regardless of who germed them or what medium they were in.

Hazeberry is RoyalQueenSeeds
GSC and Runtz are Zamnesia
But since I had this issue on my previous try, the problem is probably me even tho I tried so hard:wall:
Hazeberry is RoyalQueenSeeds
GSC and Runtz are Zamnesia
But since I had this issue on my previous try, the problem is probably me even tho I tried so hard:wall:
Same 2 strains as last time you had issues?
Same 2 strains as last time you had issues?

Last time was hazeberry, green gelato and hulkberry from RQS.
Its hard to believe all those seeds had something wrong with them, certainly as its my first time and I could be doing things wrong.
If that would be the case I would be unlucky AF lol
I did look at some grow journals on these seeds, the only one that seemed to have issues for more people is the Zamnesia GSC

I have a couple more seeds from RQS and Zamnesia lol
Hazeberry is RoyalQueenSeeds
GSC and Runtz are Zamnesia
But since I had this issue on my previous try, the problem is probably me even tho I tried so hard:wall:

Hang in there, let's just keep an eye on it and keep evaluating pictures. For what it's worth, I see what you're seeing, I almost had some seedlings go the wrong direction recently and they had the same sort of early yellow veining. They grow out of it as I just kept feeding them the correct ppm and pH.

For everyone else posting, I'm really confused why you don't believe OP's claims that previously seedlings have dudded and that these appear to be on the same track?? Why is everyone in here claiming there's no issue when this person is obviously reporting a 'failure to launch' from previous grow attempts? Kinda rude, honestly...
Hang in there, let's just keep an eye on it and keep evaluating pictures. For what it's worth, I see what you're seeing, I almost had some seedlings go the wrong direction recently and they had the same sort of early yellow veining. They grow out of it as I just kept feeding them the correct ppm and pH.

For everyone else posting, I'm really confused why you don't believe OP's claims that previously seedlings have dudded and that these appear to be on the same track?? Why is everyone in here claiming there's no issue when this person is obviously reporting a 'failure to launch' from previous grow attempts? Kinda rude, honestly...
Ur point is received & valid as it pertains to my comments. I'm too new to have any understanding.