New Grower 3x fast n vast +1 gsc remo supercharged kit .led kimbo 900w 600w first time led

Top quality garden good job;)
coming from you thats great with your experience and look at all them tops of the back topped 2 also do you think im for a lot of stretch with these now
Great Journal! Amazing healthy looking girls. Great Job on the topping. Looks like your gonna get a bunch of more bud sites! Put that little guy in a hempy bucket! :headbang:. You are hard when you grow in stones!
Great Journal! Amazing healthy looking girls. Great Job on the topping. Looks like your gonna get a bunch of more bud sites! Put that little guy in a hempy bucket! :headbang:. You are hard when you grow in stones!
I have heard of these I'm watching a vid on utube as we speak on making one and cheers pal
Quick update I removed the mutant plus the baby is in her big girl pot now also a lot of stretch I'm real happy
Looking amazing mate, seriously took of since you put the hps in , I've no stretch from my gil scout but plenty with gg
Keep the good work up mate
Looking amazing mate, seriously took of since you put the hps in , I've no stretch from my gil scout but plenty with gg
Keep the good work up mate
cheers pal i will check your girls now
Switched led to my 900w kingbo he's got a lot better red spectrum than my viper am going to see how he goes the viper was doing wonderful but I did read it was better for veg also my seedling has made great progress the big 3 are right hungry fucker s I only done my 47 l res the other day and it's near empty I can't wait to see how they turn out with the full remo line-up off Joel from the 420 competition also i have 2 osculating fans that clip on my poles now there awesome in a small tent space

Couple of lights out pics there's a great canopy of bud developing now I'm happy at day 40 I think also on the left there isn't as much stretch with the led and all round tighter node s I'm still glad I used both hps and led

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I got to finally check on your growlog and man this is looking seriously good! :cheers: I would think you are pulling out quite a harvest from this one bro. Day 40 so they are still pushing upwards... How much distance to the lights does the canopy have? How's your RH in the room and do you have plenty of air movement that is able to push through that jungle? By the looks of it there should be enough light penetration for them to go all nice and fat. Good luck! I certainly will be following this one with great interest :toke:
I got to finally check on your growlog and man this is looking seriously good! :cheers: I would think you are pulling out quite a harvest from this one bro. Day 40 so they are still pushing upwards... How much distance to the lights does the canopy have? How's your RH in the room and do you have plenty of air movement that is able to push through that jungle? By the looks of it there should be enough light penetration for them to go all nice and fat. Good luck! I certainly will be following this one with great interest :toke:
height around 18 inch with the 900w led and 15 inch with my cooltube i have grown with that before plus i monitor the canopy its at 50 pcent humidity plus i also use a thermometer gun to check leaves ect and the highest i have been is 80f canopy in my tent so i think im good there pal also i have 2 osculating pole fans on opposite poles so great air movement but i may place one at the floor at some stage and thanks for checking mine out there are so many growers on here you included. i have trawled through a lot of content as its the best way to learn