New Grower 3x fast n vast +1 gsc remo supercharged kit .led kimbo 900w 600w first time led

I've got a new baby for the mutant here's some new pics its only been a day but they are flying along now on full strength remo newts next res change will be flower muted unless anyone can advise me differently also now im letting them grow into the net now more for stability and get some better canopy
Looking good mate, have some reppers to get them girls going :slap::greenthumb:. Are you feeding the Remo nutes through the reservoir or are you top feeding?
All through the res now also I'm going to pull that stupid mutant thing soon as the new seedling is settled I always start them in solo cups I have no idea what the he'll is going on with it plus it means I will have a plant 4 weeks behind when the other 3 are done and cheers pal
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Been a great couple of days the mutant has been pulled I put her in a small pot as I was quite attached to it but besides that they are getting real thirsty now drinking lots out of the res .so I will be putting the gsc in the airport he's doing great for 2 days old nowt else to report besides they seem to be loving both lights