Outdoor 3 x Early Top Tao (Photo, Reg) - Maria's Early Spring Games

Day 32 - Early Top Tao

Well, the wind did the three of them no harm, and they are enjoying the sun today.
They've stretched up a fair bit, prob due to the recent cloudy weather.
Here they are:

Ms Super Early
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Mr Super Early
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Showing his purple stamens, as he's already dropping pollen:
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Ms Very Early
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I gave these three each 0.5L = 16oz of AN Sensi Bloom Coco A+B and GM CaliMagic, all at full strength.
The rain will wash down a lot of that and dilute it.

Also gave the other 4 pre-dug holes the same dose each, getting ready for the Mandala Safari babies in waiting....

Love and hugs,
Day 33 - Early Top Tao

Went to check on them this morning, and give them some fresh spring water.
The feeding from a couple of days ago (above) was full strength, and there had been no rain at all for a couple of days.
Thought some pure water would be nice, and avoid over feeding.
The ground around the plants was still wet, though the rest of the raised beds' surface was dry.

Here they are:

Bigger girl:
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This one was slowest to show pistils, and she is stretching a lot more, the apex bud only slowing flowering.
Might actually get a cola off this one, the smaller girl is just too tiny.

Smaller girl:
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She's doing the full flowering thing. Rub the calyxes on the main stem, and that's young bud smell going on.

The purple boy:
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He has purple stamens up top where I pinched him, and also purple stamens down on lower nodes. Inner leaves also showing purple.

Love and hugs,
@islandgrower.....I couldn't even start them right now if I wanted to, no room! :D Finishing up 7 plants flowering in the space. Chopped one yesterday and 2 are ready for chop in the next six days, which will give me enough room to start the new seedlings in 16oz cups until the remaining auto are ready to get chopped, then they will b transplanted into bigger containers for the next 50 days. Its a finely tuned machine this season bud! ;)
Haha great! I am on a 7 day count down to start up the 8 photoperiod plants.....60 days until they are in the ground!!

Originally I was just joking / teasing ya. But may turn out to be true! :p

@islandgrower.....I couldn't even start them right now if I wanted to, no room! :D Finishing up 7 plants flowering in the space. Chopped one yesterday and 2 are ready for chop in the next six days, which will give me enough room to start the new seedlings in 16oz cups until the remaining auto are ready to get chopped, then they will b transplanted into bigger containers for the next 50 days. Its a finely tuned machine this season bud! ;)

Busy farmer! I love it when I can get the room scheduling down perfect, clones or seedlings just ready for the flowering lights a day or two after the mature ladies come down for the chop. Used to have a nice tight schedule, 8 wk flowering runs under 400W HID, with the clones and seedlings under window light then 150W HID, in and out... I like your finely tuned machine.