Outdoor 3 x Early Top Tao (Photo, Reg) - Maria's Early Spring Games

Everything has been strange with them so far. Might be keepers.

Well, here's hoping. Will be looking for good opportunity over next week or so to put them outside.
Will double check the site again before hand. It should be pretty much ready to go.

I started a journal in the photoperiod section. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?url=https://www.autoflower.org/index.php?threads/58580/&share_tid=58580&share_fid=25553&share_type=t

Islandgrowers "perpetual" photoperiod journal

"carpe diem"

Will check it out.

Thanks for stopping by~!
The other one has also put out a couple of pistils, she's a girl.
Very interesting indeed.

One with stamens on the third node, and two with pistils on the fourth node.
That's early flowering even for an auto.
Interesting plants to say the least.

"carpe diem"
Day 27 - Transplant into the Wilds..........

Did some nice canna-ninja work this evening.
While checking out the plants this afternoon,
suddenly realized that my time window for outdoor transplant was kind of narrow.
Either I put them out this evening, or .... wait another week.
They are already very distinctively mary jane,
another week didn't sound like a good idea.
Too many large plants in that tent may just attract the wrong attention.

So, really put all three plants in pots into a carry bag,
along with a nice small trowel, and down to the site.
It was at dusk, and I timed it perfectly.
Cover of darkness, but just enough light to garden by.

My pre-dug holes for the photoperiod grows are 7 in total.
3 on one side, and then 4 on the other side, about 20 m / yd away.
Wondering what to do with the now two females and one male,
I put the male on the far side of the 4 holes, with one female inside next to him,
and the other female on the far side of the 3 holes.
This means four holes left, for 5 mandala safari plants.
Have to dig another. Though, maybe the male will just be tiny.
Then I can pull him and give that hole to a mandala safari.

Only after I did it did I realize that I didn't do the myccorhizal spores.
There should be some in their small pots already.
Didn't water at the time, but there is always rain here.
Glad I could do it in the evening, give them the night to rest and recover.

Once my AN Sensi Bloom A+B and GM CalMag arrive,
I'll give them and the other holes a nice dose with water.

Leave them up to mother nature. Let's see what happens.

Oh, and saw the monkeys again, and a couple of the local skunk type critters.
Skunks as in the animal, not the herb, people..................

No photos, of monkey, skunks, or plants.

Love and hugs,
Maybe paranoia, but message that AN nutes ordered from Amazon are delayed at customs has me thinking.
Wondering if the customs people have specific items that they always chase up.
Thinking about it seems highly unlikely.... but.... paranoia. Security is always important....