Not sure why there flowering,seems a lil strange ,do they receive full sun .It's not common for cannabis to flower at17 hrs ,is you're light schedule going up or down.
Yeah, real strange. They are in a Mars tent, with Mars Refl 192 on them.
Have been since they were about a week old, and before that, they still got 17/7 give or take.
Check out these photos, should be even clearer.
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] - it's actually this little one that has pistils already:
[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] - this is def looking like a male flower top.
Photos from my phone, so can't get too close and focus.
Am I going to grow the world's tiniest photo buds?
One inch long, weighing 0.5 g??
I'm wondering, since these were last minute seed bank throw in freebies,
and not the usual Seed City freebies that you get to pick (unlike the Safari),
maybe the seed batch had a problem or are old, and SC want to clear them out.
Wouldn't surprise me.
What do you think?
If these two are out, then I still have one ETT seed. Plus 6 Safari.
And I presently only have 7 holes prepped in the outdoor garden.