hey buddy im probably gonna get a bit of stick for this as its admitedly a grossly inacurate way to measure things but bare with me.
at the end of the day what we want from our lightsource is a quality weed and plenty of it. thinking about things in terms of yield, different lights have a different limit to what they can achieve in final weight. i just grew 1 auto at 500g with 540w worth of mars hydro leds. this sounds impressive but in reality i couldnt even get 1 gram per watt and i had a pretty tight grow. very little went wrong at any point.
cob lights on the other hand, given to the right person and asuming all goes well can get closer to 3g per watt. so yes they are a much, much more technically efficient light but at the end of the day they have a limit in terms of grams of weed per watt. the 300w mars light your looking at id imagine is actually around 140w so given that the 55w autocob can pull up to 3 times the weight per watt, the final weight limit is about the same. please also be aware when buying led lights from anyone that you need to know the actual wattage draw of the light. NOT what its advertised as. almost every led manufacturer blatantly lies about the power of their leds. they say “contains 100x10w diodes. wich it will, but they only work at 40% power at very best . most companies lie and advertise it as being full power. others just pull completely ficticious numbers out their arseholes.
i also use 2 of the mars 600w that someone mentioned but i got a sparky to test them. 1 was just over 270w the other was just under. oh and i grow in hydro, its a whole load harder to get your grams per watt growing in pots so take into consideration what your target weight is before buying anything : )