Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

Thanks Jingo, I really can't wait to set it up for a 1 plant scrogg. After I get 2 more strains grown I will scrogg. I think that it will be a lot more proficient, instead of squeezing 2 plants, I can do a decent size Auto's.
Day 50
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Auto Nl @ day 36
She has hit her stride. She is on the complete rebound from wind burn and being to close to light.
I have realeased al her ties so she can grow more vertically because I have no room width in there. She is about a foot tall and about 18 inches wide.
She is being fed about 4-5 times daily now.

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Day 52 for the auto BB
I really cannot wait for this girl to finish up.
The NL is grow really well, and wants more room.
Her limbs are still fairly flexible, and I cannot wait to open her canopy back out.
How much longer you guys think for the BB? I'm thinking still might have at least 3 weeks.
Happy growing

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The NL is growing stupid fast now, and need to slow just a little, because I am out of width for the 2. I'm considering cutting the BB sooner than I would like. I feel that the way the NL is growing I can have her fill up the cab. We shall see how these next 2 weeks.
You could always start doing some defoliation on that Northern Lights slow it down a bit while the blueberry finishes and then you have some bud sites open up on the nl and that would give a better quality yield. Maybe heavier just due to denser buds.