Hey guys back again, spent the night making infused canna oil and canna gummies

threw the bud in the food processor and shredded it to save some work then put in a pyrex dish with tin foil over it to decarb 250f 25 min.
After that I added the decarbed weed to our Pyrex glass measuring cup with oil on top and sunflower lecithin cover with foil put in the oven at 250f for 2 hours I didn't realize the guy in the video only uses a small amount of weed and I put in 36 grams of bud and close sugar leaf mainly bud well my dumb arse puts the half cup of coconut oil and luckily the oil wasn't liquid so I checked it to stir 5 min later and realized it wasn't enough coconut oil for the weed ratio he says he is going to go into how much weed he uses and never does but in the comments it says 15 grams per cup of coconut oil for a strong effect so I added more coconut oil to equal out to 2 cups of coconut oil to 36 grams of weed.
Strain weed and oil mixture with cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer.
To make the mixture you just boil a half cup of water with a quarter cup of your infused canna coconut oil whisking
to incorporate oil then add in 1 oz of unflavored gelatin stir rapidly with whisk entire time you stir in and during making mixture then you just mix in your 6 oz of jello till it is rapidly boiling then turn down on low heat while you drop it into molds with dropper make sure you spray the molds with non stick spray first.
The process of putting it in molds was easy but I recommend if it gets hard to suck up the mixture with the dropper add a tiny bit more water as you go to thin. In the pic it is just one sheet with some ate some of the backs have some oversplash.
I have enough oil to make probably 450 more gummies not including the 150 we made plus a few ice cube spots of left over. The wife picked strawberry bananna jello they are fire and come out of molds easy this is the canna coconut oil gummy recipe on youtube. Switched a bit to make 2 cups or close of canna oil.