Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

So the one plant hit the roof 2 days later when i next looked at the case so it got the chop, picked off a few seeds from the cream mandarine but will wait till the ones from the second pollination are done before removing it.
Things are going alright, but not great should swap out the feed water shortly to more flower based mix.

haha your growing a think different in a pc box. thats one of the biggest strains going! respect mate, thats awesome!! gettin right into these micro grows like. you guys got skills bro. lovin your work : )
@EvilScotsman its a think different x darkdevil cross, but so long as you keep the root space small and employ some training techniques i haven't come across a strain yet that i can grow, lanky sativa dominate strains can be a gangly mess though i will admit to that

Update wise, its starting to pack on the buds and trichomes though and is starting to take on a purple tingle due to the darkdevil side of it, and the others are doing alright, the springtails are back in full force but they can do their own thing till the end, i dont care anymore. Oh and the Auto Blue freebie is starting to flower after powering through its stunted mutated start.

A few more days, moved some things around and swapped the main exhaust fan for a quieter one that im running at full, and ill probably remove the circulation fan on the top right and throw in a 40mm fan down in the back corner as ive started to look more heavily into airflow characteristics and even with the circulation fan everything that would be under the canopy is pretty stagnate with the tray being dead which would make sense for the bacteria and algae growth i see on the pots, the pc definitely isn't as nice for airflow compared to what i can do with a bucket, so i'll be playing around.
Starting to pack out but the springtail issue is prolific now, its all gonna get a sterilization cleaning in a couple weeks anyways so just letting them do there thing for now.

Also i'll say i've been consistently impressed with the Think Different x Dark Devil cross ive been running since i made the seeds a ways back which is the plant in the center back in the photo, i didn't enjoy the Think Different by itself so didn't expect much but in the cross it definitely added to things in a positive note, so im gonna probably do a seed run to make some f2's shortly as i only have a 6-7 seeds left, but beign that they will be f2's they should be more diverse in there make up so after running a bunch i'll know what plants to look for i order to cross back to each other to make more consistent f3's if the f2's are worthy.

Hey brother, blown away by how clean and tidy your cases are! You growing skills are very inspirational for me.

I am building my own PC case at the moment and one thing about yours that intrigues me, willing to bet you;ve been asked many times, is your carbon filter. This is proving to be the hardest part for me in finding the right design for mine.

Could you explain how yours works and perhaps how you made it? It would be greatly appreciated!

I plan on making a journal for mine also.

Thanks in advance and best of luck with your current grow brother!