Grow Room 2017 PC Micro Grows with Mr. Sparkle

@Seshwan I never really talked much about the construction of my filter on this forum, basics of all my filters are pretty much a pc fan either pulls or blows through around 2"or 5cm of aquarium carbon, the filters are just made from hvac galvanized tin "joist panning" which is cheap from home depot and some metal mesh material acquired off some old electronic equipment filters that i had access to, with a bit of smaller mesh behind that such as cheesecloth just to keep the carbon in, they work well but are not 100% effective and typically get overpowered once the last couple weeks of flowering kick in, but i also run a general air purifier just for the house anyways but it helps when things are in full bloom, and there is definitely a big difference vs no filter at all.

Here are some old photos of one of the filters so you can see what i did, its just thrown together with rivets and a little bit of aluminum tape for some of the seams, and its slip over the fan and is help in place with magnets
Update time as well, but things are still moving along, running a bit wet but i swapped the sensor to another pot which reads wetter so that should easily fix things. will be trying some diatomaceous earth for the springtails once things get a bit drier as currently its a tad too wet, either way wont matter much longer once the plants are done but doesn't hurt to see if the stuff works while i have a chance too before it all gets cleaned and turfed.

Thanks man, I have decided that I am going to be stacking 3 PC fans, hollowing two out and filling one with carbon with dust filters on each side of it to keep the carbon in.. Sounds like it will work in theory and another grower has used one like that and said it worked a treat. Going to be using passive intake aswell now as I was previously planning on a fan for intake, are you just using a passive intake also?

Im trying to decide on a strain to grow first, probably just do one plant and try to LST/SCRoG it. Can I just almost ignore the seedbanks' height estimations for the autos I want to get seeing as its a micro grow and just make sure the pot I use isn't too big? Got like two strains I want to do first but not if they are going to be too big..

Thanks in advance!
@Seshwan the key with carbon filters is slowing down the air enough that it has contact with the carbon whether by slow airflow or a thick layer of carbon, saying that just try your filter with one fan and if the case keep cool enough then run with it, if not then add another fan or higher static pressure one, as for the seedbanks listed heights it actually plays in for us as well just obvious on a micro scale but that's only when limiting the root space small enough to allow the plants to be able to grow without any training, which is a balancing act thats forsure.

But when running bigger pots in comparison really any strain is typically "too big" for our spaces but thats where all those different training techniques come into play so i wouldn't be concerned with them and just run whatever you like or have and you can make it work for your space. As for pot size its always better to have too much and have to train than having too little and your plants staying small, ive just run enough plants in small spaces to know what i can get away with and what works better for me.
Tuesday update: Hooked the internal fan back up for now, gonna switch to a 40mm fan tucked up in the corner beside the carbon filter once things are done as its just easier to work on things when you don't have to juggle plants, but they are looking good and putting on mass, also moved a few of the plants around obviously.

Back from my absence so here's a couple of pics first is before i left and the next was after i was back also decided to chop all the plants two days ago except the Auto Blues which will run out the week, leaving me with no plants currently on the go in all my grow spaces.



Dark Devil F1 in a small pot, Red Poison, Think Different X Dark Devil
plants look awesome man!! can you tell us what they smell like? what breeder are the dark devil and Red poison from?

The Red Poison and Dark Devil are from Sweet seeds, personally i enjoy the Dark Devil more and its been a pretty good staple for awhile now and i figure is worth a look for most for the price.

Nose is all plugged at the moment due to a cold picked up while traveling with long airplane travel and being in different parts of the world so currently i can't smell as much but its usually on the floral side with an underside of funk which isn't over powering it just pretty decent across the board.

The red poison is more earthy with more musty funk smell to it and the effect for me is more incoherent than i prefer i won't be continuing with it but is good on its own if your into that style, i just prefer and hunt for stuff that seems to work well for myself and helps me either by relaxing while still being functional, or receptive to taking in whats going around me by enjoying the moment or getting the mind going either introspectively or creatively , so the stuff that makes my mind go blank for a couple hrs isn't something im after but some people need/want that.

Sampled some of the Sour Crinkle "Mepisto" from my bucket that just finished but i can say it will be staying around for another round and some seed making more than likely, have to further evaluate it though before i can pin down what i like about it.