Outdoor 2014 Balcony + LED Think Different, Pineapple Express and Critical Jack




Critical Jack Day 05


Red Poison DAY 05
(I over did it with the LED distance and this little one has suffered some burn, so LED is back up a couple of inches so hopefully she will recover)

Some things have happened since my last update..

Pineapple Express (Day 20)
I have gone a bit too far on the nuts and on lowering the PH. I feed her 1ml Bloom, 1ml Ryzotonic, 1ml Top Max, 1ml cal-mag per litter, and started to get the tips burned. Initially I was getting around PH7 on the run off so fed the last couples of times with PH5 so some leafs started showing stress because of the low PH. I feed just 1ml of Rhizotonic an PH6 with a large runoff (about 300ml) and the water did came quite dark (shame I have not got an EC meter)

Nevertheless, she has now a better colour and looks like she has a good growth speed. I have also done some LST (this is my first time doing anything like this so do not copy me until I get some good results and please comment if you have any suggestions or comments) Some pics;


It also looks like some evil bug is having my PE for lunch

Critical Jack Day 14

Bit of a pain here.. I hope you remember I mentioned that 2 plants sprout from the same seed. I took the better looking and planted on the 6L airpot and put the other one on a custom made smaller airpot on my window as it did not fit on my closet. Well, unlucky me the small one wasn't really growing much because of the lack of light and the other one was born topped :no: what I mean by this is that no new leafs where growing from the top so I decided to copy mr HAZY caning technique so the bottom nod will hopefully develop faster. I am not too optimistic at this point. After then pictures I transplanted the smaller CJ into the same airpot. I hope I get to try a least one joint of this 2.


This pic is a couple of days old and now that little nod is much bigger so I hope I'll get something good out of it.

Red Poison Day 14

This one is keeping me happy. The leafs are a bit yellowish so I think I will bump the nuts a little. Although I am reluctant based on my experience with the PE. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WOULD YOU DO!

Update day 29 and 24

Hello there,

Well things seems to be doing better over here. Some pics

Pineapple Express day 29
As you can see there are a lot of burned tips on this plant due to the overfeeding (or PH issues) from a few weeks back. I think she is better now because it looks like she is growing at a good rate and the colour and texture has improved too. However, I find difficult to tell if I am correct as I am not sure if all the burn is new or old. The feeding is 1ml grow, 1ml Rytzotonic, 1ml Top max, 1ml calmag and PH 6.0 the run off is the same as the in so I guess my PH issues are gone.


Red Poison day 24

I when horribly wrong at the beginning with the PH being too low so I think I had a lock out that turned the leafs Yellow. I have flush with 50% run off and PH 6.5 water. Then feed same as the PE but half biogrow. Have been supplementing the feed with calmag 1ml foliar spray and the colour have improved a little but has been so long without her picking up on the right colour that I don't know if I should increase the feed.


Critical Jack day 24
She has finally got over the of auto-topping issue and grow and smell is moving towards the right direction. The sister plant from the same pot is growing too but stalling behind. They should look nice in a week's time.


Looking good bro, Plants all look well could you get some full pictures up for us? So i can see size Etc... What bloom nutrient are you using? :coffee2:
Sure, I'll get some pics later on.

I am not using any bloom yet as I am following the advice of Muddy


So I am not feeding any bloom nutes until week 7.

I am using:

1ml Rhizotonic
1ml CalMag
1ml TopMax
0.5-1ml Bio Grow

I won't be feeding Rhizotonic anymore from now on. In about 10 days I will start introducing Bion Bloom while decreasing Bio grow, keeping Topmax and Calmag.

However, what would you suggest I do?
Yes its a fantastic thread he is a top grower sure he has helped me along the way. I read that thread when i first joined and its brilliant. It doesn't really cover using biobizz nutrients as such, I would reccomend using the biobizz schedule it applies more to us, do you have it? Sure i have mentioned it before :Sharing One: .
There is a great biobizz thread on here too by Duck Commander i will hunt it out when home and on a computer not silly phone with cracked screen lol, il post up a feeding schedule too. I think you should be using bloom at this stage with biobizz you start using it from week3/4
Thanks bro, did what you told me and feed 1ml of boom 1ml grow 1ml topmax 1ml calmag and did not PH the water (although it wasn't needed) I will apply this for my TD for my winter grow.

I did take some amazing pictures so you could see the progress with tape measurement and everything. Just to realise that the SD card wasn't on the camera :cuss:
Hahahahahahaha typical!! We have all been there brother:Sharing One: Keep an eye on your PH try make sure your giving them ph6.5 i always like to test my runoff with a little flush around week 5/6 or so to make sure the soil is at the PH i want.. Also helps get rid of any build up of salts in the soil..
Have a good week,
oh my grow may turn into a half balcony grow too as that Pineapple Express is dominating my grow space.. We will see... Peace

- - - Updated - - -
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Update at last... PE Day 31-34 and CJ RP day 26-29

PE day 31st


I am a bit worried because some of the pistils are turning orange, does anyone knows what that may be?

RP day 26

RP side.jpgRP top.jpg

CJ day 26

CJ side.jpgCJ top.jpg


Three days later...

PE day 34

PE top today.jpgPE size today.jpg

RP day 29

RP top today.jpgRp side today.jpgRP size.jpgRP Bud today.jpg

CJ day 29

CJ top today.jpgCJ side today.jpgCJ size today.jpg

As always any advice is welcome.

I am still using the LED but when is sunny I take them out around 9am and take them back in at 4pm when the direct light is gone. Then they finish the day at the closet 3 hours later.