Indoor 2000w auto grow dwc think different, blue cheese

Mar 27, 2016
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5 dutch passion think differents and one dinafem blue cheese in 5 gallon buckets, dwc with an airstone and rootspa buckets. I used two 1000w ushio super reds for most of their life, threw in a m/h for a few days towards the end. 45-60 oz's in 12 weeks. The blue cheese had very bulbous calyxes that made breaking up and rolling a joint with it amazing, and was done two and a half weeks before the TDs. Gh flora nova veg with floralicious plus, gh rapid start, voodoo juice for vegatative. For flowering i used flora nova bloom, floralicious bloom, kool bloom and some voodoo juice early on. Ph wAs steadh throughout the week between 6-7, usually low 6s. All great herb, i could have cut quite a few more lower branches off in hindsight, next time.


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Was that dried weight and just a guess?
Was that dried weight and just a guess?
Yeah, dry weight. There was a solid 40-45 oz.s of good quality smoke, then an estimated 10-15 of lower herbs that i didnt let enough light get too. It was a lot of work with the individual buckets, but the plants seemed to like having their own nutrient dose. I just started a recirculating 8 bucket hydro system and am nervous about giving 8 autos the same nute load... we will see
I upgraded my room for this run with the autopilot master controller and autopilot digital recirc/light timer, with autopilot c02, and am going to run a scrog with aircooled lights. It is really cold where im at so i am running autos in an unheated building and am using lights and equipment to keep hot.


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Thanks, so good so far, mostly. I got my water chiller from a buddy and i think it introduced some bacteria into my system. I noticed a faint egg smell on day 3 so i drained my res and had a little algae on the bottom, rinsed, cleaned and drained twice, refilled and it has not came back, day 6 now. I will do another water change tomorrow to stay on schedule with weekly changes from date that i put in the buckets. I installed a bluelab ph controller, keeping me right at 5.9.


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Second week and goin well, they have trippled in size in 4 days since hooking up c02. The two taller plants in pic are a couple lowriders a buddy didnt have room to finish, they will be done by the time there isnt room for them(hopefully). I had a little leaf canoeing going on so i turned my temps from 83 down to 76. I bumped them from 73 to 83 when i hooked up c02 and that is when they canoed


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Here we are into the third week and growth is looking mainly good. I have had a little of what looks like brown algae on my roots, a few plants are worse than others. I think it might have happened when I had my room temps up into the eighties for my c02 supplementation. Plants were growing fast but so was the algae, so room temps are back to 75 and water temp back to 68. Water has looked good since and the new roots are mainly healthy. The blue cheese autos are beasts, my northern lights are small and bushy. Here's a pic of plants and one of the more affected root balls. Just switched to bloom nutes, half were ready and the other half will be now


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