1st timer with a question

So my one plant isn’t looking too well compared to the others :( the leaves are really narrow and it isn’t growing like the others
I attached some pics please take a look and tell me how they look
Yesterday morning I gave them 1 cup each of nutes mixed with distilled water till ppm was 228 and ph was in between 6-6.5
It was looking about the same before I gave it the nutes so I don’t think that’s what caused it unless I am not giving it enough nutes?
I also turned off the bloom on my lights and just have the veg switched on thinking it maybe it was over heating
Again let me know if you have any ideas about what’s going on and how to fix it
Day 26 update:
So everything that I can see seem fine except for the 1 plant that’s growing pretty slow compared to the others.
The very first seedling leaves are starting to turn brown and shrivel I am assuming this is normal? Same with the next single leaf, it’s tips are starting to turn brown/yellow on most of my plants again I am assuming this normal?
All the top leaves look nice and green there is a leaf or 2 that the side edge is curling up a little don’t know what is causing this but it doesn’t seem too bad atm.
My lights are set at 18 inches from the top of my tallest plant and I went with a 19/5 schedule.
My humidity has been in the low to mid 70s.
Take a look at all the pics below and let me know what you all think

Plant 1 - 9 inch tall

plant 2 - 10.5 inch tall

plant 3 - 7 inch tall

plant 4 - 5 inch tall
this one doesn’t look so good :(

Plant 5 - 3.5 inch tall
was a seed I got with my light it is not a auto flower and don’t know what strain it is, also started about a week after the others
my grow space set up
Mate they ALL look fine stop faffing your doing great keep Ur Rh under control and make sure u have a nice stable temp not too big of a swing keep everything above 18c and u will have some stella smoke @Mañ'O'Green give me some great advice few weeks back LITFA :crying: :thumbsup: