Lighting 1st Timer grows Auto NL under 100w of DIY Citizen COB

You need some more nitrogen there my friend. Up your grow nutes. The leaves will darken back up. Do u have a fan constantly blowing in there? I think smo was bang on, you need some more intensity on the light.. How many watts are u pulling right now?
Cal/mag deficiency will usually show rust spots..
Sup, I have turned them up to max, so 2 Cobs, looking at 100 watts in total in a 50cmx50cm cabinet.

Yeah, I have a fan constantly blowing in the cabinet, and yeah, I have some rust / dead type spots appearing on the older fan leaves, and getting slightly pale on the same leaves - will add another ml or two of the micro nutes to see if it aids in darken up the leaves, unfortunately its a brand that is not used by you guys in the states so I was just going by their feeding chart, but yeah, dont think the feeding chart was for cannabis in mind...
finding what soils/nutes are available in our parts of the world.what to buy and how to use it can be tricky if not a nighmare at times.
if there is a growing chart that comes with the nutes its likely for photo plants.advice for autos is start at half strenght and take it from there.
to me it looks like it could use more N,if you post a pic of your nutes maybe someone a bit cleverer than me can give better assistance.
good luck
@Habitual @trailanimal @archie gemmill @Jimmyclone @BigSm0

Hi All

Herewith attached the the nutrients that I have, along with the feeding chart they advise currently following week 6, also added a small teaspoon of Epson salts to the feed, added 1ml extra of the Micro nutrient


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Looks like re labeled General hydroponics 3 part flora series, they even call it flora series on the feed chart. What is your medium peat or soil? In coco I run (1.5ml micro 2.25ml bloom with 1 ml ca mg / liter) all the way from the seed as a base. In pro mix I start @ (1.25ml micro 2.5 ml bloom and feed up to 2 ml micro 3.5 ml bloom per liter with 1 ml / liter silica and .25g epsom/liter. keep the ph up near 6.5 on a feed / water+camg/ feed / water +camg / feed and so on. I am no pro mix wizard though but I get by... In America this is known as 6/9 ml / gallon coco and 8/14 ml / gallon promix "modified lucas" .

you are feeding week 6 so 1.0ml grow 1.2 ml micro and 1.2 ml bloom / liter. Low in my opinion close to my seedling feed. When bumping feed 20% is pretty safe if you are seeing fade. So G1.2 M1.5 B1.5 / liter would be my next mix . Always mix micro first.

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated, I will up the feed though, my only problem currently is the extra Calcium I have to get, will only be able to have it delivered by Thursday, hopefully the plants do not deteriorate too much in that time frame
Im running coco / perlite mix probably at 70 / 30
hit em with 1.5ml micro 2.25ml bloom / liter, Micro has calcium and N in it. I have never seen this burn :pass: are you useing tap water do you know its ppm?
unfortunately not, but I leave my water to stand in the sun for about 24 Hours.

Though, I will be getting all those goodies in a couple of weeks / up to a months time