Lighting 1st Timer grows Auto NL under 100w of DIY Citizen COB

Careful my man. Smoking canna aint addictive, but growing canna certainly is! The first grow is the hardest one. It all starts to tighten up and fall into place after that.

I have 3 Vision Seeds Northern Lights running now as well. I have grown it before and can tell you it is quite pleasant. I converted a great deal of it to coconut oil and it made fierce brownies. I will probably do much the same this go around. Look forward to following along with you.
Thanks for joining along for the ride,
Lets hope it goes smoothly till the end.
Yeah, Can only hope I dont have a fatality in this grow, well, my runt I dont mind, but the one in the photo above, she better survive.

Was given the go ahead to get me a proper tent, and additional goodies from the Mrs... So give 6-8 weeks, will have a totally new setup, as I will be getting autopots too. live and learn
rolling now grobro
I'd say she could use some more wattage. Whether that's increasing the dimmer or lowering it a little. Also keep trying to bend her over. I did read about the problem in doing so but if you do it slow it will work and help. The lower leaves are much more than 20" away. Bending her in half will get a lot more of the plant receiving full power vs just the top.
Yes for sure. She still has to stretch. Light is needed the whole life of the plant so more and more importantly even light is best.

Thanks Sm0, just done training the girl, hope the one side branch pulls through (hope it comes out like she would think she is getting super cropping) kinda broke it at the node tho so thinking the worst

Will post a picture tomorrow morning. After a day night of being bound. Defo need to invest in some proper
Day 46
14 days since I saw the first pistols
Plants are doing fairly OK, first sign of a deficiency CalMg no doubt, the shop that I can get CalMg from only opens again in 4 days time, with 2 days delivery, tried adding a little milk to the feed with some epson salts, hopefully that helps until I can get the CalMg

Think a number of reasons for being a bit behind, high heats in tent, kinda low air movement...

Only thing living in this part of the world, the supplements etc are kinda hard to come buy.

Just waiting for some additional funds to come through then I can stock up on all the important things

