Lighting 1st Timer grows Auto NL under 100w of DIY Citizen COB

It is no secret that LED's and COB's require more cal/mag. I have added it regularly at every feeding since flipping the switch the very first time and it isn't an issue.

I'm wondering why the reluctance from the experts to just carve it in stone, post it at the front door for all noobs to see as a matter of fact and save them the well known cal/mag discussions and uncertaintees that we all went through with less predictable lighting? :2cents:
Edit: WalterW See what 24% will do. I thought I was in Live Stoners until your like alert listed your thread. Had I realized it sooner I would not have just dropped a post without:

Good Morning WalterW
Yeah, I know... hope my girl would of slipped under the radar running with the 3000K
Guess she wants it but the rust spots are stopping, and I havent bought any additional additivies, still running just the 3 base nutes, which is kinda astounding, considering I have gotten so far in the grow with no additional CalMg - now its time though
did you not say you had a lot of limescale on the kettle ? that would point to cal being present ? just the top cola is a bit odd.
sorry for adding more questions,its early i been up all night im pretty stupid at the best of times.
good luck.
Yeah, our tap water seems to carry quite a lot of lime I would imagine, running outside tap, water comes out milky let it settle for a minute and water looks crystal clear,

Certain it is the lime etc, but suppose she needs more than what the tap pushes out. just upped the micro nutrients, got the dark green colouring back and seems to have stopped the rust getting worse.

Yeah its just on the top of the colas
Man, what three days can do to a plant.
Seem to have the Cal Def under control for the time being
She is really starting to bulk up nicely now - and the aromas coming off of her is also amazing!
On a hotter day, she smells of a coffee bean tree, the cooler days of orange / lemon zest infused with paw paw
could sit by the cupboard all day smelling her, super intoxicating.
Day 80