Lighting 1st Timer grows Auto NL under 100w of DIY Citizen COB

Actually I just realized that I mis spoke.

You've to a good thing GROWING.
Thanks @Puddentane, yeah, the plant is doing her thing
I have opened her up a bit more lst'd a couple weeks back, she is now filling the cabinet up nicely and she is about 70cm tall (breeder info says 60cm-80cm) lets hope she dont grow any taller than she currently is, only wish I had a bit more headroom as the plant is starting to get a little too close to the lighting, she is about 1 foot from the light so yeah, no sign of light burns or anything yet

My next grow I am really going to have to get aggressive with my bondage skills.

Will get photos up by this afternoon...

@Habitual what dosages do you recommend me mixing at for this stage of the grow?
feeding off of week 8
I was thinking based on previous calculations you did for me at 20% extra (dropping a splash extra of bloom though) I should feed on week 8 schedule as below (info you gave on page 7)
G1.0 M1.2 B2.6 / liter

On my next grow, I will follow your base recommendation, and I will run my lights at max capacity from the get go, maybe she will have tighter node spacing
See if there is any difference... especially in getting to flower stage (30days or less)
I would stay as you are till the plant is done stretch it looks great, then drop all grow and up micro to 1.5. You can play with bloom but I dont see a need if you are @ 2.6 Bloom now. Sit back and coast... that will give your plant plenty of PK for frost and building bud.:greenthumb: You can push it but dont go above 3.5 even 3! Too much will unbalance the K and it can cause issues with N,Ca and Mg. I flower @ 1.5 M and 2.25 B /liter +/- .5 because I use cobs and need the lower ec for calmag+. easy peasy, green and greasy:coco:
I am feeding every alternate day, she is drinking about 2 litres a day, as I water til there is just a tiny bit of run off, and wait until the pot it light light
The last feed at 2ml of the bloom, will up it to 2.5ml for today on wards
I will take a photo now now and post it
I would stay as you are till the plant is done stretch it looks great, then drop all grow and up micro to 1.5. You can play with bloom but I dont see a need if you are @ 2.6 Bloom now. Sit back and coast... that will give your plant plenty of PK for frost and building bud.:greenthumb: You can push it but dont go above 3.5 even 3! Too much will unbalance the K and it can cause issues with N,Ca and Mg. I flower @ 1.5 M and 2.25 B /liter +/- .5 because I use cobs and need the lower ec for calmag+. easy peasy, green and greasy:coco:

Hey buddy, I was wondering if you could please spare a minute to explain what you mean about unbalanced K causing issues with N, Ca and Mg? I believe I am having these very issues possibly caused by heavy handed use of flowering nutes.

I would really appreciated a brief explanation if you don't mind mate! Thanks much :d5: :cheers:

"The basic" is; it's all about coco's cation exchange and double vs single positive ions. So when Ca or Mg molecules attach to coco and being that they both are double positive ++ charged ions the coco releases 2 K or Na molecules as they are single positive +. The end result is you end up with an unbalanced amount of K in solution and this causes problems. Burn or lock out of other nutrients ie Ca,Mg and N specifically that are antagonized by the excess K. Hope this helps:pass:
Sorry to thread-jack Mr W! :bow:

By the way mate, is that beast in your tent REALLY the same girl as that whispy looking thing that fell over when you said "boo" that was in your tent a couple of weeks ago?!!


Absolutely awesome come-back my man! :d5: :worship: :baby: :woody:

Amazing mate, she has grown up to be an absolute monster! Massive congrats mate and super good growing skills brother :slap:

"The basic" is; it's all about coco's cation exchange and double vs single positive ions. So when Ca or Mg molecules attach to coco and being that they both are double positive ++ charged ions the coco releases 2 K or Na molecules as they are single positive +. The end result is you end up with an unbalanced amount of K in solution and this causes problems and can lock out other nutrients eg Ca,Mg and N specifically that are antagonized by the excess K. Hope this helps:pass:

Thanks very much indeed :cheers:

Any idea how that would stand in light mix soilless type stuff? Thanks again :pass:
Sorry to thread-jack Mr W! :bow:

By the way mate, is that beast in your tent REALLY the same girl as that whispy looking thing that fell over when you said "boo" that was in your tent a couple of weeks ago?!!


Absolutely awesome come-back my man! :d5: :worship: :baby: :woody:

Amazing mate, she has grown up to be an absolute monster! Massive congrats mate and super good growing skills brother :slap:

Yeah Hipster, same one that didn't want to know anything about training in the early stages of her life.
Really stoked at how she is turning out.

Busy in sleep mode now, so wont wake her just yet, grumpy ol' girl and what not :)
So as soon as it is lights on - will take a few snaps of her,

Thanks for the slap Hippy - gotta bring her home now!