New Grower 1st Time Grower ILGM Grandaddy Purple Auto in 3gallon fabric


OrgyPot Bottom-Feeder
Cultivators Club
Mar 6, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Double Bubble, Bubble Tricks
Hello all this will be my 1st time with autos and hopefully my 1st harvest. I have tried years ago for fun with seeds from a sack and some cheap cfl's in a indoor grow closet but had to abandon my plants and never seen the results. I have done some research but i think doing a grow journal will give me better feedback on what i am doing right or wrong and how to improve for my next try. I tried to not cheap out on anything needed as that has screwed me over many times in the past.
Any advice/tips/criticism is welcome here, enjoy.

Strain: Grandaddy Purple Auto
Breeder: ILGM
Pot Size: 3 gallon fabric bags (in solo cups now)
Medium: Foxfarm Ocean forest
Lighting: 2 Growstar 1000w 222 pcs led, no dimmer (110w each) (3000k)+(5000k)+red light(660nm)+Ir light(730nm)
Tent: Mars Hydro 2.3' x 2.3' x 5.2'
Light cycle: Timer set for 18 hour on 6 hour off. Led is 30" from top of seedlings right now. (Advice on this part is needed)
Fans: 3 clip on pole non-oscillating fans, vivosun 4inch 190cfm scrubber with speed controller, taotronics 4l humidifier
Nutrients: Foxfarm trio(big bloom,grow big, tiger bloom), ph down, cal-mag
Grow Time: 8-10 weeks
Tent temp/humidity: 73F-83F 45-55% humidity
Tap water: pH 8.0, I use ph down to get 6.3-6.6 ph before watering plants. I also let water sit over night to evaporate any chlorine

I planted 4 seeds in clear solo cups on march 1st, I wish I would have known to just start the autos in its final pot but i did not know until i already messed up, next time i will try cutting the bottom out and cut side windows for the roots. March 4th little red and teal sprouted up, March 5th yellow popped up, finally blue popped up on the March 6th which is the day i am calling Day 1 for all of them.

day 1
Desktop Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
Before bed i spray bottle watered them until i seen some come out the bottom, no nutes just ph down water

day 2
Desktop Screenshot 2021.03.07 -

Good morning @Zeromitch and welcome to AFN! Looks like a good setup... might need a touch more light, I would want 150-200w in a space bigger than 2x2. And I would start height at 30-36” and adjust from there. Does your light have a dimmer? If yes you could dim and move closer. I’d steer away from clear solos next time due to roots not liking light. I am new to autos as well (5grows) not too bad but there is a learning curve. Key with autos is not to stress them too much or you’ll stunt them. Starting them in an unammended or plain potting soil is best and yes, you can transplant but be real careful. There are a few on here that have techniques for transplanting with little stress. Any questions, hit me up...or ,someone else will chime and help if I don’t know I can tag someone in to help. Good luck! And have fun!
thanks for the advice. no dimmer on this light but I can get another led if needed, i just worry that another would add to much heat. if i have my scrubber fan on low and shut off that area of the house off it can get up to 85F in the tent, leaving doors open and fan on medium seems to maintain temps 75-80 pretty easy adding another should be fine i just worry. high setting seems to be loud and overkill lol. i lowered my light to 32" and see what happens, my light booklet said 39-43 so thats why i did "42 inches. Should i get some red solo cups and put them over the clears since roots don't like light?

Desktop Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
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thanks for the advice. no dimmer on this light but I can get another led if needed, i just worry that another would add to much heat. if i have my scrubber fan on low and shut off that area of the house off it can get up to 85F in the tent, leaving doors open and fan on medium seems to maintain temps 75-80 pretty easy adding another should be fine i just worry. high setting seems to be loud and overkill lol. i lowered my light to 32" and see what happens, my light booklet said 39-43 so thats why i did "42 inches. Should i get some red solo cups and put them over the clears since roots don't like light?

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I would get the red solos and put the clears inside them. And if it’s in your budget add another of the same light, if you like that one. That would give you 220 w. The one will be sufficient for veg but you’ll want a little more power in flower stage. If your light is too far they’ll stretch and if it’s too close it could stunt them or bleach the leaves. As for temps, for your space you could get an evaporative cooler on amazon. About $30 but it’ll raise humidity in space.
Hello all this will be my 1st time with autos and hopefully my 1st harvest. I have tried years ago for fun with seeds from a sack and some cheap cfl's in a indoor grow closet but had to abandon my plants and never seen the results. I have done some research but i think doing a grow journal will give me better feedback on what i am doing right or wrong and how to improve for my next try. I tried to not cheap out on anything needed as that has screwed me over many times in the past.
Any advice/tips/criticism is welcome here, enjoy.

Strain: Grandaddy Purple Auto
Breeder: ILGM
Pot Size: 3 gallon fabric bags (in solo cups now)
Medium: Foxfarm Ocean forest
Lighting: 1 Growstar 1000w 222 pcs led, no dimmer (110w) (3000k)+(5000k)+red light(660nm)+Ir light(730nm)
Tent: Mars Hydro 2.3' x 2.3' x 5.2'
Light cycle: Timer set for 18 hour on 6 hour off. Led is 32" from top of seedlings right now. (Advice on this part is needed)
Fans: 3 clip on pole non-oscillating fans, vivosun 4inch 190cfm scrubber with speed controller, taotronics 4l humidifier (testing outside tent before putting inside tent)
Nutrients: Foxfarm trio(big bloom,grow big, tiger bloom), ph down, cal-mag
Grow Time: 8-10 weeks
Tent temp/humidity: 73F-83F 45-55% humidity
Tap water: pH 8.0, I use ph down to get 6.3-6.6 ph before watering plants. I also let water sit over night to evaporate any chlorine

I planted 4 seeds in clear solo cups on march 1st, I wish I would have known to just start the autos in its final pot but i did not know until i already messed up, next time i will try cutting the bottom out and cut side windows for the roots. March 4th little red and teal sprouted up, March 5th yellow popped up, finally blue popped up on the March 6th which is the day i am calling Day 1 for all of them.

day 1
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Before bed i spray bottle watered them until i seen some come out the bottom, no nutes just ph down water

day 2
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heya @Zeromitch and :welcome: to afn! :toke: i'm an organic soil grower & have alwayz planted direct to final pot ;) i jus make a lil golfball sized "pocket" of plain peat-based potting mix in the center to plant the beanz in to start & jus mist the topsoil for the first few dayz...u'd def wanna do sumthin similar if ur uzin ffof, cuz it can be too hot for seedlingz....jus sayin ;) ppp

p.s. i'll def be followin this, cuz i luv gdp & have alwayz wanted to grow some, but jus haven't gotten the beanz yet, lol :doh:
heya @Zeromitch and :welcome: to afn! :toke: i'm an organic soil grower & have alwayz planted direct to final pot ;) i jus make a lil golfball sized "pocket" of plain peat-based potting mix in the center to plant the beanz in to start & jus mist the topsoil for the first few dayz...u'd def wanna do sumthin similar if ur uzin ffof, cuz it can be too hot for seedlingz....jus sayin ;) ppp

p.s. i'll def be followin this, cuz i luv gdp & have alwayz wanted to grow some, but jus haven't gotten the beanz yet, lol :doh:

Thanks glad to be here. yeah I think I will try that next time after this harvest, just for fun i'll try 2 like that and 2 with the solo cup cut mod done to it and see which method works best for me. i heard ffof is to hot but also seen some make it ok with their seedlings i took a chance but wish i could go back now. I sure hope i can do this right, i fear light height the most but i'll do my best to get this purple finished for ya.
I would get the red solos and put the clears inside them. And if it’s in your budget add another of the same light, if you like that one. That would give you 220 w. The one will be sufficient for veg but you’ll want a little more power in flower stage. If your light is too far they’ll stretch and if it’s too close it could stunt them or bleach the leaves. As for temps, for your space you could get an evaporative cooler on amazon. About $30 but it’ll raise humidity in space.

thanks, i'll do the red cups and buy another light when flowering starts to get it enough light
Whats up brother, :welcome: looks like you got it kicking, everything i could think about saying at the moment done been said above, the clear solo cup's a no-no, but now you learned that - another way is using rapid-rooters, they're like jiffy plugs but better- it's been said time and time again as 420 mentioned above that planting directly to final pot is the best and I tend to believe that, no transplant stress at all, and I have done this as well, but I still tend to use rapid rooters for the convenience, they're a no brainer, soon as tap root peeks out the bottom, into the final pot. Reading your post got me fondly remembering my first grow :lol: I learned a ton of shit from doing a grow journal on a forum, it just keeps getting better! :goodluck: :peace:
You picked a great strain to start with! GDPurps is one of the best for taste + effect.

Most of your setup seems decent, GL with the grow! An additional growlight would benefit you.

Clear solo cups are fine, btw. Keep them inside a closet or a cabinet, no light there,
I thought this strain would be the best for me and my woman and purple is our fav color so it was a no brainer at that point, I'm glad i made the right choice. My tent is in a big closet so its dark when it needs to be.
Since most of you thought I needed more light I bought another light it will be here tomorrow :cool1:. Should I go ahead and turn it on now or wait until flower?