1st grow - needing help

Oh no, maybe a little over double that but defo more than that. I havent been getting any run off though. So i guess i'll be best just to leave it to see how it does?

My lights at 36 inches at the moment. I will try and raise it up a bit and see how it reacts thanks. I can see this being steep learning curve lol

Bro I have done like six Grows and I get better and better. I used to hate when people would suggest to me “learn to read your plants”. But literally the more grows you do, and the more you pay attention to them with every move you make (any training, feeding, environment adjustments and so on) you will eventually start to understand them a bit more. I even had a couple problems with two girls I have going now when they were seedlings. Mind you, I changed my method up this time and made a couple of fuck ups. But I enjoy trying out new stuff. If you don’t then you don’t learn as much. Raise the light a bit higher and just pay attention to her and see if her leaves spring up. I have a good example of this for you because it happened to me two days ago.

Check how she reacted when she was too close to my light:

I taken her further away from the light that evening and this is how she responded:

Thanks for the help its appreciated. Yeah, im sure that im probably gonna fuck at least a few more times on this grow. But, it'll be worth it in the end with trial and error. lights coming on in a bit so will adjust it up a bit and fingers crossed in day or 2 they will look better.
Bro I have done like six Grows and I get better and better. I used to hate when people would suggest to me “learn to read your plants”. But literally the more grows you do, and the more you pay attention to them with every move you make (any training, feeding, environment adjustments and so on) you will eventually start to understand them a bit more.
It’s funny; that’s what I tell people about mushrooms. Many people try to make it all Hi-Tech which makes little sense to me when something grows so fast & responds so quickly. I receive a lot of blank stares.:shrug:
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I’m only on my third grow but I grow in coco and I love it because theres no guessing when/if to water and feed (fertigate). I use GH nutes and follow their medium feed schedule. I soak and keep the coco moist with distilled water until day 3 since sprout. Days 3-5 (week 1 on the schedule) I start with a half dose and for days 5-7 I finally use the full dose of whats supposed to be used days 1-7. Day 8 starts week 2 etc. I avoid fertigating a couple inches around the stem. I have no idea how you’re “supposed” to do any of this, I can only speak for what has worked great so far. And for what it’s worth I have a 4x4 630w led and it’s 36” away at 60% power for the first couple weeks. I keep my light at least 36” away the whole grow.

I think your plants look just fine, there’s a whole lot of action under the soil and not much at all on top the first week. I have four 3 day olds that look just like yours and they’ll look the same the first week. My two cents is the droop is not enough/too much water. It’s almost impossible to overwater coco and it’s important to do daily until about 20% runoff (which helps gets rid of salt build ups). I also highly suggest checking out cocoforcannabis. I recently discovered I’ve been using the same stuff he is which was cool to hear lol. Happy growing and welcome to AFN!
wee update - lights been on for about 11 hrs. least droopy has got flat leaves again and the other is still drooping just not as bad. I gave both of them 10ml of water with low doses of - acti-vera, bio heaven, calmag and fish mix Ph6.1. I lifted light about 3 inches and turned light down to 25% i'm gonna order a EC meter. but, might not get it till next week.
I’m only on my third grow but I grow in coco and I love it because theres no guessing when/if to water and feed (fertigate). I use GH nutes and follow their medium feed schedule. I soak and keep the coco moist with distilled water until day 3 since sprout. Days 3-5 (week 1 on the schedule) I start with a half dose and for days 5-7 I finally use the full dose of whats supposed to be used days 1-7. Day 8 starts week 2 etc. I avoid fertigating a couple inches around the stem. I have no idea how you’re “supposed” to do any of this, I can only speak for what has worked great so far. And for what it’s worth I have a 4x4 630w led and it’s 36” away at 60% power for the first couple weeks. I keep my light at least 36” away the whole grow.

I think your plants look just fine, there’s a whole lot of action under the soil and not much at all on top the first week. I have four 3 day olds that look just like yours and they’ll look the same the first week. My two cents is the droop is not enough/too much water. It’s almost impossible to overwater coco and it’s important to do daily until about 20% runoff (which helps gets rid of salt build ups). I also highly suggest checking out cocoforcannabis. I recently discovered I’ve been using the same stuff he is which was cool to hear lol. Happy growing and welcome to AFN!

Thanks for the encouragement and welcoming me here, yeah i was reading over it last night and that site is super helpful. Blonde moment for me i didnt know i'd need an EC meter. so ive ordered 1 along with temp/humidity sensor. hopefully they will come soon. I think this maybe day 7 since they popped. so hopefully like your saying they will start growing soon. I just hope that ive not done something to them casuing them to be stunted. but, whatever happens it will be fun to learn
I’m only on my third grow but I grow in coco and I love it because theres no guessing when/if to water and feed (fertigate). I use GH nutes and follow their medium feed schedule. I soak and keep the coco moist with distilled water until day 3 since sprout. Days 3-5 (week 1 on the schedule) I start with a half dose and for days 5-7 I finally use the full dose of whats supposed to be used days 1-7. Day 8 starts week 2 etc. I avoid fertigating a couple inches around the stem. I have no idea how you’re “supposed” to do any of this, I can only speak for what has worked great so far. And for what it’s worth I have a 4x4 630w led and it’s 36” away at 60% power for the first couple weeks. I keep my light at least 36” away the whole grow.

I think your plants look just fine, there’s a whole lot of action under the soil and not much at all on top the first week. I have four 3 day olds that look just like yours and they’ll look the same the first week. My two cents is the droop is not enough/too much water. It’s almost impossible to overwater coco and it’s important to do daily until about 20% runoff (which helps gets rid of salt build ups). I also highly suggest checking out cocoforcannabis. I recently discovered I’ve been using the same stuff he is which was cool to hear lol. Happy growing and welcome to AFN!

It’s not impossible to over water in coco. Overwatering comes down to how much volume of water or feed you give it. It does not come down to how many times you feed or water. If you put a seedling in a 16L pot, and feed it even 5L of water, you will see stunted growth. Overwatering comes down to drowning the roots. Yes, coco has plenty of oxygen. But trust me you will stunt it. This is why cocoforcannabis is very clear on starting seeds in small pots then transplanting. This it to avoid overwatering. I believed all the bullshit about being impossible to overwater in coco. Yeah sure if you place the seed in a solo cup or something small, and you feed to run off every day then the chances of you over watering is slim. But it’s completely different if you start them in pots that are big. I have done this, and tested this several times until the results were clear for me not to do that again. If you start them in a big pot, there’s no point saturating the entire pot with feed or water. It will take ages to dry out and before you know it, your entire pot is building up salts and there’s stale co2. The problem with research is that many people suggest things and state it to be true, but just because someone says it’s true doesn’t make it true lol it’s bro science. Same as what I’m saying, you can take what I’m saying and say it’s bro science. But I have tried these things time and time again and have gotten the exact same results. So I will never pot up into a big pot and feed to run off every day. Why feed seedlings several litres of water to run off when at most they will drink around a shot glass 60ml or less a day until they’re bigger. They won’t drink much more the first week. By keeping them soaked every day, you aren’t encouraging root development. You have to let them get dryer in between (not completey dry), but you have to force them to look for water
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My understanding was that the salt build happens when the coco drys out no? I am just going off from what I’ve read on cocoforcannabis View attachment 1549165

Yes it does. But think of it like this. say you make a feed and it requires 4-5L until you reach run off. That 4-5L will not be consumed by the plant. It will drink/eat a small amount of it, what gets left behind will then turn to salts. So let’s say at most a seedling will drink 500ml. The rest of that will be a big salt build up. Why add more salts? When you can just feed less with a small container until they get bigger. Feeding until run off in small containers is no problem. But doing it in a container that’s far too big for the seedling will just cause more salt build ups for nothing. It’s a waste of water, nutrients, and many other things that I could get into. Everyone does things different. For me, I’d rather raise them in small pots and use less water, less nutrients, and leave less salts in the medium to deal with later down the line. This is why cocoforcannabis states to start them in small/appropriate sized containers. Having the coco constantly soaked just discourages the plant to grow as big roots as they can. Because the water is constantly there. Kinda like a silver spooned rich kid lol. They don’t have to work, so they become ungrateful little bastards.
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Why add more salts?

Agree to disagree I guess :shrug: if the pots doesn’t dry out there shouldn’t be cation exchange… Don’t get me wrong I am not saying to start dumping feeding to them.. I grow in 3 gal grow bags and let them go 2-3 days between feedings for the first 2-3 weeks… But when I do fertigate it is always to run off and that doesn’t take 4-5l more like 1l.. I have transplanted auto’s with good luck but prefer not to so I don’t like starting in a smaller pot IMO the risk of stunting her during transplanting is much higher then overwatering in coco