New Grower 1st grow : Fastbuds CBD Crack

That's very touching and a great way to put it. I also love that you are keeping a leaf from your first grow, wish I had thought of that from mine! When you chop her, thank her for her life and the great herb she has given you. I always do that :thumbsup: It might sound silly to some, but I feel it respects the plant and what she provides me.
Not silly at all. I talk to all of my plants, trees and bushes regularly. I really do love them!
She got the chop today, made me sad but it will be one of many grows in the future, I'm thankful for what she will be offering me with those beautiful buds.

I took a pic while I was wet trimming her a little bit, last picture of her alive :frowny:


She is currently hanging in the grow tent in total darkness. Temps are around 68F and RH is kept between 50-55%.

I want to thank everyone here @ AFN for all the help you guys have offered me.

Big shootout to :

@idiopathic neuropathy

If I forgot you please know that I still thank you for the help or comments!

She got the chop today, made me sad but it will be one of many grows in the future, I'm thankful for what she will be offering me with those beautiful buds.

I took a pic while I was wet trimming her a little bit, last picture of her alive :frowny:

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She is currently hanging in the grow tent in total darkness. Temps are around 68F and RH is kept between 50-55%.

I want to thank everyone here @ AFN for all the help you guys have offered me.

Big shootout to :

@idiopathic neuropathy

If I forgot you please know that I still thank you for the help or comments!


gratz & be sure to tag me with the final dry weight ;) ppp
Congrats! :pass:
Congrats on completing your grow and harvesting her, you are right, she will provide you with beautiful buds and the joy of smoking them :smoking:
My girl is still drying and I am maintaining a constant temp of 66-68F and RH of 50%. Day 4 of drying.

She smells a lot like fresh-cut grass right now, I can't smell the dank at all. Is this normal?
Is it because of the chlorophyll decomposing and escaping the plant?
She is still moist and the small stem don't crack yet so it isn't because she's drying too fast.
I see very conflicting information on forums regarding this. Some say it's because she is drying too fast, some say it's normal because the chlorophyll is escaping the plant and it will come back to normal once the cure starts...

What's the consensus on that?
My girl is still drying and I am maintaining a constant temp of 66-68F and RH of 50%. Day 4 of drying.

She smells a lot like fresh-cut grass right now, I can't smell the dank at all. Is this normal?
Is it because of the chlorophyll decomposing and escaping the plant?
She is still moist and the small stem don't crack yet so it isn't because she's drying too fast.
I see very conflicting information on forums regarding this. Some say it's because she is drying too fast, some say it's normal because the chlorophyll is escaping the plant and it will come back to normal once the cure starts...

What's the consensus on that?
Yes the aromas go through a series of changes in the drying and curing process as the chlorophyll and magnesium break down. The terpene profile will improve greatly in the cure.

This assumes you had a good terpene profile in the crop. UVA light the last three weeks of the grow will improve the terpene profile a lot.

Yes the aromas go through a series of changes in the drying and curing process as the chlorophyll and magnesium break down. The terpene profile will improve greatly in the cure.

This assumes you had a good terpene profile in the crop. UVA light the last three weeks of the grow will improve the terpene profile a lot.


Oh yeah right before the chop if I opened the tent for 5 minutes the whole house would stink lol! Nothing to worry about then, I believe the smell will come back once the cure starts! Thanks!
Well this concludes this grow! I have one under my belt now :)

Final yield is 54g dry!!! :baked:

The only downside was that I had a lot of popcorn buds, I might try some LST next time to minimize that!

I vaped some last night and oh boy is it a good nighttime smoke. Super relaxing and puts you right to bed, I love the high from the CBD, byebye joint pain! Tastes of lavender/floral, I really like it.

Here's one of the jars, sorry for low quality :


Well this concludes this grow! I have one under my belt now :)

Final yield is 54g dry!!! :baked:

The only downside was that I had a lot of popcorn buds, I might try some LST next time to minimize that!

I vaped some last night and oh boy is it a good nighttime smoke. Super relaxing and puts you right to bed, I love the high from the CBD, byebye joint pain! Tastes of lavender/floral, I really like it.

Here's one of the jars, sorry for low quality :

View attachment 1286747


:clapper: :headbang: :slap: congratz & u now have a shiny lil badge for ur effort :thumbsup: to display it under ur name, jus go to profile > badgez & click the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) ppp