New Grower 1st grow; Amare SolarEclipse 450, Advanced Nutes, Coco

Updates: Day 30 for Humboldt's OG. Kush & FastBuds' GS Cookies /// Day 21 for Sweet Seeds' Trainwreck & Auto Seeds' Chemdog

Everyone's pokin' along. Pictures later today. Yesterday I took away the T5 from the youngsters, and moved them (Trainwreck & Chemdog) under the Amare SolarEclipse 450.
Today, for the first time, I turned on the COBS of the Amare. Will keep a close eye on everyone to see how they do, and if I've got the light's height OK.
Okee-dokey -- we'll just step up the Sensi Grow & CalMag by 25% rather than 50%. Think its ok to keep the B52 in the mix as well? Thanks.
i dont see a need to the b52 after they have been rooted i would say.
Photo Updates: Day 31 for Humboldt's OG. Kush & FastBuds' GS Cookies /// Day 22 for Sweet Seeds' Trainwreck & Auto Seeds' Chemdog

All 4 strains have now had 24 hours under the Amare 450 SolarEclipse with both monochromes and COBs turned on. And so far, no problems that I can see. Pots are starting to feel a bit light, so will probably feed later today. Here's the "Family shot"
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The oldest two, OG Kush and GS Cookie, were both a bit mutant, especially OG -- probably due to noob errors made during germination and early spouting days. But they seem to be doing their own thing. OG is the tallest and rather unruly. So earlier this week I whacked off 4 tops and have been doing some light LST on her.
31.OG a.JPG
31.OG b.JPG

GS Cookie was also a slow starter. I topped her once. And then broke off a limb while trying to do a little LST. Still, she's trucking along:
31.GS a.JPG
31.GS c.JPG

The two younger girls, Trainwreck and Chemdog, are just entering their 3rd week. At 22 days old I think they're looking pretty good. They were both topped once, then left alone.
Here's Trainwreck. I know I splashed a little feed water on some of her lower leaves a few days ago, so maybe that's why the discoloration on a few of those leaves ??
22.TW a.JPG
22.TW b.JPG

Chemdog is probably the prettiest of the bunch.
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The feeling later today will step up base nutes to 1.25 ml/l. And I plan to water enough to get a bit of runoff.
As always, any observations or suggestions are welcomed.
Photo Updates: Day 31 for Humboldt's OG. Kush & FastBuds' GS Cookies /// Day 22 for Sweet Seeds' Trainwreck & Auto Seeds' Chemdog

All 4 strains have now had 24 hours under the Amare 450 SolarEclipse with both monochromes and COBs turned on. And so far, no problems that I can see. Pots are starting to feel a bit light, so will probably feed later today. Here's the "Family shot"
View attachment 722688
The oldest two, OG Kush and GS Cookie, were both a bit mutant, especially OG -- probably due to noob errors made during germination and early spouting days. But they seem to be doing their own thing. OG is the tallest and rather unruly. So earlier this week I whacked off 4 tops and have been doing some light LST on her.
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GS Cookie was also a slow starter. I topped her once. And then broke off a limb while trying to do a little LST. Still, she's trucking along:
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The two younger girls, Trainwreck and Chemdog, are just entering their 3rd week. At 22 days old I think they're looking pretty good. They were both topped once, then left alone.
Here's Trainwreck. I know I splashed a little feed water on some of her lower leaves a few days ago, so maybe that's why the discoloration on a few of those leaves ??
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Chemdog is probably the prettiest of the bunch.
View attachment 722697 View attachment 722698
The feeling later today will step up base nutes to 1.25 ml/l. And I plan to water enough to get a bit of runoff.
As always, any observations or suggestions are welcomed.

Mate, the mutant thing is genetic, they were always going to be that way no matter what you did to them, sounds like u beating yourself up man, don't.

Discoloration on the lower leaves is most likely you leaving the nute water on them, no biggy, they'll lose those leaves anyway in the next couple of weeks.
Mate, the mutant thing is genetic, they were always going to be that way no matter what you did to them, sounds like u beating yourself up man, don't.

Discoloration on the lower leaves is most likely you leaving the nute water on them, no biggy, they'll lose those leaves anyway in the next couple of weeks.
Hey Sensi, thanks for the feedback & encouragement. At this stage in my Noobness I have no idea what's nature versus what's nurture. Seems like strategies like AutoPots and BioTabs can remove a lot of potential for human error from daily care-giving, but I still got to manage temperatures, humidity, light & air. I love the challenge of it all, but I don't want the "hobby" mentality to distract from the original goal - which is perpetual production of obscenely high quality across multiple strains.
With this great community here at AFN I feel that success is virtually assured.
Ok, a day later than planned, but this morning I fed the four ladies. Mix was 1.25 ml/l of Sensi Coco Grow A&B, 1.5 ml/l of AN Cal-Mag. Just for the heck of it, I decided to use 1 ml/l of B52 for one more time. Despite the fact that all 4 plants are much smaller for their age (32 days and 23 days) than what I'm seeing across most AFN Grow Journals, still, it took a high volume of mix to achieve run-off. These are 3 gallon fabric pots with pure coco (no perlite) and a thin layer of clay pebbles on top. The four girls drank 16 liters and before spitting back just over 2 liters in run-off. Does that tell me anything significant about what's going on, pro or con? Still running the Amare full blast at 22" above the tallest plant. My next grow I'm thinking of mixing in 20-30% perlite with the coco.
looking good.well the 2 oldest will never be pretty,but will chug along and give buds.2 youngins look spot on.
an extra days drying out can mean they drink more when watered.sometimes a few cracks appear in the soil and the water kinda goes flying through the pot.
best to water slowly,or wet the top and come back in 5 mins.
looking good.well the 2 oldest will never be pretty,but will chug along and give buds.2 youngins look spot on.
an extra days drying out can mean they drink more when watered.sometimes a few cracks appear in the soil and the water kinda goes flying through the pot.
best to water slowly,or wet the top and come back in 5 mins.
Thanks Archie. Yeh, I've had "patience issues" when trying to feed four plants at the same time -- pouring a little too much too fast. Being down on my knees and leaning over with a heavy pitcher wears on the lower back after a while too. Ah, the complaints of an old fart. Anyway, I'm looking forward to trying AutoPots on my 2nd grow.
Yipes, something is wrong with my baby ! Hey AFN buddies, take a look here at my 25 day-old TRAINWRECK. She's got yellow-orange-rust spots emanating from the center outward on several of her lower leaves. Originally I first noticed this a couple of weeks ago, but it was limited to one area on one of the leaves closest to the clay pebbles, so I assumed it was "burn" from splashing feed water on that leaf. But over the past 24 hours, this has spread to multiple leaves. As a total NOOB, I imagine that this is some kind of classic case of too much or too little of some chemical. Do you guys recognize this? Thanks in advance for your help. @jingo @Burr_nit @tripaholic88 @Slater @Sensi Jay @HemiSync and all others who have been so kind to stop by and comment on my grow.
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