New Grower 1st grow; Amare SolarEclipse 450, Advanced Nutes, Coco

The one i have is 480w, but since they don't run all that long that won't matter much. I have Frigidaire 30pint, but like i said it's easy keep your environment dialed in and keep your VPD in green zone easily with dehumidifier/humidifier you know what VPD stands for and why it's important?
Vapor Pressure Deficit
Ok man, now I'm hooked. I've now read about 10 articles on VPD -- how it affects plant growth, and how to monitor and manipulate it to optimize plant production. This answers a lot of questions and frustrations I've had during my first grow --- feeling that I was constantly chasing an RH number and/or a temperature number, but never realizing their relationship to each other and how that relationship needs to vary over the phases of the grow cycle. Thanks a bunch.
Judging from your grows I'd say you don't need no stinkin' education, besides, God takes care of fools.
Me ? Well I'm always intrigued by the next 'bright shiny object', in fact, I'd even accept a shiny apple from a snake.
So no worries, @Unique and I will handle the VPDs --- which kinda sounds like a social disease, eh?
I just believe there is a balance it seems to help me, but we use tent's. maybe certain setup's much harder to control then a 4x4 tent or any tent for that matter. but I find it just "another tool" I do not rely just on that, but temps, humidity air-flow inside tent, After learning about VPD it kinda makes since like i said it's just a tool though but i find it helpful having that printout of the ranges right next to my tent, so I can keep it in the middle always. except toward end of flower like last 2weeks i would go as low as 45%
Ok man, now I'm hooked. I've now read about 10 articles on VPD -- how it affects plant growth, and how to monitor and manipulate it to optimize plant production. This answers a lot of questions and frustrations I've had during my first grow --- feeling that I was constantly chasing an RH number and/or a temperature number, but never realizing their relationship to each other and how that relationship needs to vary over the phases of the grow cycle. Thanks a bunch.
your very welcome, I myself find it interesting and everything it does say, makes alot of since for issues i've had myself in past before using it. I really hope it helps you like it does for me.
following the chart alone, you don't need to really educate yourself much. keep in green always. it's that simple!
OMG, VPD? I had no idea. Good thing that I'm a "systems" and technically orientated guy -- 'cause this stuff appeals to me. Thanks for the 13-page document describing it. I'll set aside some time to read it closely later today or tomorrow. Thanks for the info.

A couple of weeks ago @EvilScotsman gave me the term "Over Transpiration." Now I have "Vapor Pressure Deficit". Who wouldn't be impressed with my new found erudition ?
ach everyone knows vpd. thats when um..there isnt enough vapor pressure... nah fek knows what that is lol.
following the chart alone, you don't need to really educate yourself much. keep in green always. it's that simple!
Yeh, I agree, using the VPD chart makes it pretty simple, just stay within the color-coded range. But ... it seems like there is one constraint, namely the phase of your grow cycle. From my reading it seems like there are 3 or 4 optimal points on the chart that you want to target depending of whether you are in the beginning, middle or later phases of grow. Again, not too difficult if your tent is filled with plants that are all roughly the same age.
Updates ... how long now until harvest ?

Hi folks, I'm posting some close-ups of the four ladies, and would appreciate confirmation or opinions on where I'm at relative to harvest time. I think the trichomes are still clear, but I don't yet have the experience to be sure on the distinction between clear & cloudy. Anyway, I think I'm within a couple of weeks. If so, would you recommend a change to the nute program?

Lately I've been delivering 2 ml/L of Sensi Coco Bloom, Big Bud, OverDrive and CaMg+. Also everyday I'm now adding Mammouth-P. Every two or three days they all get a liter or so of ReCharge.

Here is the first lady, the former ugly duckling now beauty-pagent queen, Humboldt OG Kush on day 67:

67.OG a.JPG
67.OG b.JPG
67.OG c.JPG
67.OG d.JPG
67.OG e.JPG
67.OG f.JPG
And here is her sister, the 67 day old Fastbuds Girl Scout Cookie:

67.GS a.JPG
67.GS c.JPG
67.GS d.JPG
67.GS f.JPG
67.GS g.JPG
67.GS h.JPG
67.GS i.JPG
Younger, but quite mature, is the lovely Miss Chemdog from AutoSeeds. She is on day 58:

58.CD b.JPG
58.CD c.JPG
58.CD d.JPG
58.CD h.JPG
58.CD i.JPG
58.CD j.JPG
And finally, Chemdogs sister of 58 days, SweetSeeds' Trainwreck:

58.TW a.JPG
58.TW b.JPG
58.TW c.JPG
58.TW d.JPG
58.TW e.JPG
58.TW f.JPG

Any feedback gratefully appreciated. Thanks, and happy growing.