New Grower 1st grow; Amare SolarEclipse 450, Advanced Nutes, Coco

@tripaholic88 & @jingo Well isn't this a fine predicament? I've just come back from the tent and my mixing station. I can't be sure, but I think just maybe some of my other plants are showing a couple of stressed leaves, and the claws on the Trainwreck have not straightened out. Anyway, to the tests. I just checked status of my pure RO water -it's 0 PPM and 7.8-7.9 on the pH. That's using my BlueLab Combo Meter. So then I rechecked the mix, and sure enough, it reads a pH of 5.3.

So my RO water goes from 7.8 to 5.3 when I add 1 ml/l sensi coco A&B and 2 ml/l of CO CaMg+ (1-0-0). Do I believe the hype from Advanced Nutrients, who say I should be fine. Maybe not so much, eh?

Am I correct in assuming that you guys would recommend that I get some pH UP and boost the raw RO water? And if so, what would be a good "final target" pH for the mix when I finally deliver it to the girls? Keep in mind, that all 4 plants showed a coco/soil pH today of 6.5 - 6.9 using the CWA pH8 Meter. And that was after getting the 5.3 mix.

Thanks a bunch for staying with me on this. I think we may be getting close.
My man.. great read so far.. just wanted to say, my RO water is bout 7.7 and after I use my trio and calimagic it ph's bout 5.6 and yes I PH up to bout 5.8-6.0 and the girls are doing great ..I feel. My probe shows PH in coco around 7 and the run off is bout 7 too.. but I don't know if @jingo said it or someone else (memory's screwed bro :baked: )...but don't worry bout the run-off in coco its more bout what you put in!:pass:
My man.. great read so far.. just wanted to say, my RO water is bout 7.7 and after I use my trio and calimagic it ph's bout 5.6 and yes I PH up to bout 5.8-6.0 and the girls are doing great ..I feel. My probe shows PH in coco around 7 and the run off is bout 7 too.. but I don't know if @jingo said it or someone else (memory's screwed bro :baked: )...but don't worry bout the run-off in coco its more bout what you put in!:pass:
Nice to hear that our pH experience with RO is quite consistent. Since adjusting it up (close to or right at 6.0) after adding nutes & supplements, I feel that things are going much better.
yeah ive seen it being called a few things. wind burn or light burn mostly . couldnt decide who to listen to so spent hours one night on google. without the boring shit its basically just heat, light and/or wind making the plant overly sweaty. as far as i can tell anyway.
Actually, I love the phrase "Over transpiration" . I can't wait to impress some of my friends with my new, deep knowledge and growing skills, LOL. Plus, any word with 4-syllables always makes my day. Rock on. And,'s an ill wind that blows no one any good.
Actually, I love the phrase "Over transpiration" . I can't wait to impress some of my friends with my new, deep knowledge and growing skills, LOL. Plus, any word with 4-syllables always makes my day. Rock on. And,'s an ill wind that blows no one any good.
haha yeah theres lots of technical jargon you can spout when you wanna sound educated and your straight enough to spell it lol
Updates on feed schedule and lighting.

Since peaking the GO CaMg+ at 3 ml/L 5-7 days ago, I since been dialing it back. Also, have now fully dropped out the Sensi Grow and am working just the Sensi Bloom. And, I'm phasing out the AN B52 and introducing the AN Overdrive. Here's the feed program delivered today:

GO CaMg+ 2 ml/L
AN Sensi Coco Bloom 1.5 ml/L
AN BigBud 1 ml/L
AN B52 .5 ml//L
AN Overdrive .5 ml/L

We've also doing 1 liter of Recharge for each girl every 3 days.

The Humboldt O.G. Kush is a monster. She now drinks everyday (3+ liters at a time) and continues to stretch. Yesterday she put on another 2 inches. She is now 33 inches -- 60-90% taller than the other three, Is this normal? Everyone else has stopped vertical growth and range between 17.5 to 21 inches in height -- I would have thought they'd get taller, but I have no experience to judge by. I am no longer doing any LST, but an tempted to resume with the OG Kush -- if only to reduce slightly the disparity in distance from light to canopy among the 4 plants.

And lastly, two days ago I fired up the Amare's UV bulb and am now running that about 10-12 hours per day. So the Amare is now in full kick-ass mode. I'm going to need stronger LED glasses, LOL.

Photos to come in another day or so.
Updates on feed schedule and lighting.

Since peaking the GO CaMg+ at 3 ml/L 5-7 days ago, I since been dialing it back. Also, have now fully dropped out the Sensi Grow and am working just the Sensi Bloom. And, I'm phasing out the AN B52 and introducing the AN Overdrive. Here's the feed program delivered today:

GO CaMg+ 2 ml/L
AN Sensi Coco Bloom 1.5 ml/L
AN BigBud 1 ml/L
AN B52 .5 ml//L
AN Overdrive .5 ml/L

We've also doing 1 liter of Recharge for each girl every 3 days.

The Humboldt O.G. Kush is a monster. She now drinks everyday (3+ liters at a time) and continues to stretch. Yesterday she put on another 2 inches. She is now 33 inches -- 60-90% taller than the other three, Is this normal? Everyone else has stopped vertical growth and range between 17.5 to 21 inches in height -- I would have thought they'd get taller, but I have no experience to judge by. I am no longer doing any LST, but an tempted to resume with the OG Kush -- if only to reduce slightly the disparity in distance from light to canopy among the 4 plants.

And lastly, two days ago I fired up the Amare's UV bulb and am now running that about 10-12 hours per day. So the Amare is now in full kick-ass mode. I'm going to need stronger LED glasses, LOL.

Photos to come in another day or so.
Size is normally I'd say. My GSC is 30 inches from top to coco. Shell be your star of the show buddy! Let's hope them AN nutes show their worth!
OG's like to stretch! they get that from their chemdawg lineage
Size is normally I'd say. My GSC is 30 inches from top to coco. Shell be your star of the show buddy! Let's hope them AN nutes show their worth!
The AN nutes seem fine, but I have no basis for comparison -- being my 1st grow. Next month I hope to start a 2nd grow -- and am thinking of running a side-by-side grow of the same seeds, one with AN nutes and one with BioTabs. We'll see.

Your FB GSC is an inspiration, and almost twice the size of mine. Obviously you've done a great job with her. I don't understand exactly why mine is so much smaller -- except that I wasn't very attentive about watching pH during the grow phase. Almost, maybe she didn't like being topped once during her 4th week. Oh well, babe, get over it and bloom.