New Grower 1st grow; Amare SolarEclipse 450, Advanced Nutes, Coco

Hey @Only1Sky

I know we are growing a little differently, but ever since I upped my pH it really has helped.. I pH my feed to 6.5 - 6.6 at first but will drop it around 6.0 - 6.1 now since the soil is in check... just thought I would let you know it worked for me. :thumbsup:

Rock on bro, happy Growing!
So why don't you mix up some of your reverse osmosis water with some of your tap water and then measure your part per million and your starting pH. Probably wouldn't hurt to double-check the calibration of your meter I'm assuming you have two solutions 7 + 4 or 7 + 10? I'd like to see how things would look if you had a background part per million of around 75.

So you can check your PPM of your background water and then determine from that how much of the background water to mix in with your reverse osmosis water. I have a feeling you're pH might resolve itself out with that mix or you may end up pH ing your water up or down before putting in your nutrients.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Hey @Only1Sky

I know we are growing a little differently, but ever since I upped my pH it really has helped.. I pH my feed to 6.5 - 6.6 at first but will drop it around 6.0 - 6.1 now since the soil is in check... just thought I would let you know it worked for me. :thumbsup:

Rock on bro, happy Growing!
Hey there Burr_nit. Glad you were watching, 'cause I knew you could relate to pH issues. I thought I would be immune due to the coco and the brand of nutes, but seems like maybe we have the same problem. We'll see soon enough.
So why don't you mix up some of your reverse osmosis water with some of your tap water and then measure your part per million and your starting pH. Probably wouldn't hurt to double-check the calibration of your meter I'm assuming you have two solutions 7 + 4 or 7 + 10? I'd like to see how things would look if you had a background part per million of around 75.

So you can check your PPM of your background water and then determine from that how much of the background water to mix in with your reverse osmosis water. I have a feeling you're pH might resolve itself out with that mix or you may end up pH ing your water up or down before putting in your nutrients.

This is a great idea. And likewise, @Kiefshagger, that sounds like another good option. I'll be doing a feed on two of the plants later today, and will definitely play around with the RO water pH and resulting mix. I'll be reporting back in 24 hours or so with feedback. Many thanks.
Status Update

April 7: Did a feeding using 1 ml/L of Sensi Grow A&B with 2 ml/L of GO CalMg+. Used a titch of sodium bicarb to bring pH from 5.3 to 6.0. I had the baking soda lying around anyway, and it seemed an easy solution to the solution. @Kiefshagger

April 8: Sent the bottle of CO CaMg+ back to Amazon for a refund. On principle, I can't accept "false facts." Their web page showed the bottle that has 0-0-0, but they shipped a bottle clearly marked 1-0-0. In doing some research, I see that this problem is everywhere with this particular product. I've checked about half dozen hydro & grow suppliers -- and almost all have the "OLD 0-0-0" on their web pages but only the "NEW 1-0-0" in their inventory. It will take me a few days to find someone (maybe on eBay) who still has old inventory. In the meantime, I'll go back to the AN Sensi CalMag Xtra (4-0-0).

April 9: Did a feeding using 1 ml/L of Sensi Grow A&B with 2.5 ml/L of AN CalMag. pH was 5.9 (due to the .5 extra calmag??) -- but I tweaked it up to 6.0 anyway. At the end, I finished up by giving everyone 1 liter of RECHARGE -- yeh, my first introduction of this highly touted treatment.

Three of the four girls are showing early signs of flower development. So on the next feeding I'll start transitioning to Sensi Bloom nutes. Photos coming later today or tomorrow. Thanks all.
Photo Update: Day 45 for Humboldt's OG. Kush & FastBuds' GS Cookies /// Day 36 for Sweet Seeds' Trainwreck & Auto Seeds' Chemdog

Took everyone out of the tent for a photo shoot. Gave me a chance to rearrange things in the tent a bit -- installed a new circulating tower fan after one of my cheap 9" clip-ons totally died, after just 6 weeks. Here's the oldest and biggest, the ugly duckling OG Kush, now reaching to 22". 3rd photo taken with flash, hence to washed out color.
45.OG b.JPG
45.OG c.JPG
45.OG d.JPG

Here her sister, 45-day of GS Cookie, standing at 16".
45.GS b.JPG
45.GS c.JPG

One of the younger one, the 36-day old and 18" Chemdog is also showing early flower development:
36.CD c.JPG
36.CD d.JPG
36.CD e.JPG

The 36-day old Trainwreck is the smallest, only 13" and has yet to show any real flower development. She is very dense, but I've been opening her up with some LST.
36.TW a.JPG
36.TW b.JPG

With the onset of some flower development I feel both excitement and pride - of course, I know the pride is somewhat misplaced since it's questionable whether I'm helping more than I'm hurting with the natural process.

But more to the point, I now have questions about whether I should be changing some behaviors. For instance, I'm thinking that I should stop LST -- which I've been doing regularly on all plants, and just let them now reach au naturale. ??? And of course, what about phasing in a nute change? I've been doing just Sensi Grow recently. Do I now start with Sensi Bloom ?? And, I also have B52, Big Bud Coco, Overdrive -- how soon should I start introducing some of these ?? And do I ever go back to some Voodoo Juice in the later phases ?

Thanks for any opinions or feedback.
Think you should be applying the bloom and tailoring down the grow now mate, you have flowers forming which means the girls are putting all their energy into flower production this lessens the N requirements and increases PK needs.

As for the other additives, are you not using a schedule? If it's manufacturers then I'd go 1/4 of their recommendation to begin with then gradually increase till tip burn.
Yeah, if that were my plant it would have been on my "transition" schedule for about two ir so weeks. That is equal parts grow, micro and Bloom. Then I would have started dropping the grow and upping the bloom about now. I would be continuing on dropping grow and upping bloom until I had no grow towards end of flower.

I'm on a different nutrients schedule of course but the concept is the same.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Think you should be applying the bloom and tailoring down the grow now mate, you have flowers forming which means the girls are putting all their energy into flower production this lessens the N requirements and increases PK needs.

As for the other additives, are you not using a schedule? If it's manufacturers then I'd go 1/4 of their recommendation to begin with then gradually increase till tip burn.

Thanks Sensi & @jingo. I just wasn't sure if I was "in" the bloom phase yet or not. And, given the very slow start of these girls during first few weeks, I didn't think I could rely on a "schedule" that was pegged to specific calendar weeks rather than what the plants were actually doing. That having been said, I've gots lots of schedules I've been studying -- two from TaNg, one from A-Train, one from the mfg Advanced Nutrients, and the recent one that Hansbrick used on his amazing Glueberry grow. I guess that explains my doubt or confusion --- seems like there's no consensus as to want one must or should do.

But I not going to sweat it. I'm confident I can blend a program that should be fine. I just appreciate your confirmation that, "Yes", it's time to be in Bloom mode.