New Grower 1st grow; Amare SolarEclipse 450, Advanced Nutes, Coco

I think we both still got a long way to go. I don't see a finish line in sight. I just hope there aren't too many hair-pin turns in the road ahead, but it being my 1st grow, I have no idea what lies ahead. I'm just comforted that the AFN folks have been there and done that a thousand times before. So, no worries.
You got it dialed in mate they look good. What are your plans for the clawing one?
The clawing one, Trainwreck, was last fed 2-days ago with a mix 1.5 AN base nutes, 1.0 AN calmag and 1.0 GO calmag. I'm thinking that the clawing is Nitrogen tox and the spots on the leaves is cal mag deficiency. My plan is to feed her tomorrow with base nutes reduced to 1.0 and calmag boosted up to 2 or 2.5, and I'll be using only the CO calmag, not the AN calmag. Also, I have been doing a foliar spray on her of GO calmag at a 1 ml/l ratio.
The clawing one, Trainwreck, was last fed 2-days ago with a mix 1.5 AN base nutes, 1.0 AN calmag and 1.0 GO calmag. I'm thinking that the clawing is Nitrogen tox and the spots on the leaves is cal mag deficiency. My plan is to feed her tomorrow with base nutes reduced to 1.0 and calmag boosted up to 2 or 2.5, and I'll be using only the CO calmag, not the AN calmag. Also, I have been doing a foliar spray on her of GO calmag at a 1 ml/l ratio.
do you have a soil pH probe? can you find out the substrate pH? maybe the pH has drifted down some hence the better N absorption(TOX) and the cal def since cal is absorbed at a higher pH.... just some food for thought:doc3:
On the clawing, I just want to make sure you are getting good run off and your plants can't drink that back up.

Yep, I only made that goof once. The last two times (including this morning) have continued the feed until I get runoff (about 3/4 liter). I let it collect briefly in a drain tray, then its vacuumed up. There is no possibility for the plants to reabsorb the runoff.

do you have a soil pH probe? can you find out the substrate pH? maybe the pH has drifted down some hence the better N absorption(TOX) and the cal def since cal is absorbed at a higher pH.... just some food for thought

Today's feeding of Trainwreck & Girl Scout Cookie and had a ph of 5.3 in the mixing pail. After feeding to runoff I used the Control Wizard Accurate pH8 Meter. Trainwreck and GS Cookie both average 6.5 coco ph. I also tested the other two that were fed yesterday, Chemdog = 6.8 and OG Kush = 6.9.

@jingo and @tripaholic88 -- thanks for stopping by and providing this feedback. How do the ph numbers look?
Looking much better @Only1Sky !! They look much happier!! :coffee:
I figured out my problem and it was all pH. I never flushed my soil before putting my seeds in and my soil pH was all out whack -- plants weren't able to uptake any nutrients. Now that your girls are healthier those plants are probably going to explode! :yay:
Looking much better @Only1Sky !! They look much happier!! :coffee:
I figured out my problem and it was all pH. I never flushed my soil before putting my seeds in and my soil pH was all out whack -- plants weren't able to uptake any nutrients. Now that your girls are healthier those plants are probably going to explode! :yay:
Yeh, glad you identified your issue as being pH. Now hopefully you and I both can watch the Amares do their magic. BTW, what is the CalMag you're using that is 0-0-0 ?

Yep, I only made that goof once. The last two times (including this morning) have continued the feed until I get runoff (about 3/4 liter). I let it collect briefly in a drain tray, then its vacuumed up. There is no possibility for the plants to reabsorb the runoff.

Today's feeding of Trainwreck & Girl Scout Cookie and had a ph of 5.3 in the mixing pail. After feeding to runoff I used the Control Wizard Accurate pH8 Meter. Trainwreck and GS Cookie both average 6.5 coco ph. I also tested the other two that were fed yesterday, Chemdog = 6.8 and OG Kush = 6.9.

@jingo and @tripaholic88 -- thanks for stopping by and providing this feedback. How do the ph numbers look?
I've never bothered measuring runoff pH or the pH of my medium growing in Coco. The reason being is I figured you're only one or two heavy waterings away from completely changing out all your nutrients and your pH balance.

I pH my nutrient mix to 5.8 or as high as 6.1 I never pH lower. I think those advanced nutrients are supposed to be self buffering as long as you don't have to high an input pH or to low an input pH.

My Philosophy to Growing has been to make very slow changes over time. So I started out growing with just the General Hydroponics Trio. Then after a couple grows I added in some rapid start, etc. I just always make sure that I grew the plants for two or three grows before I added something new in.

What I've learned over time is that everything comes down to either pH, ppm, or run off. That's it in Coco. As long as you use a cannabis specific nutrient line you just can't blow it.

Now that doesn't mean Gathering objective data with meters and such isn't a good idea. A grower the learns to grow Gathering that data can just about always help another one from a distance just by knowing those numbers. That just isn't my temperament or my way of approaching life.

Current Diaries
Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze
Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.
Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo's continuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Yeh, @jingo, I'm with you on that. Honestly, this is the first time in the grow that I've checked pH on either the nute mix or the coco soil. I'm using AN's coco-specific base nutes, so I was hoping there wouldn't be an issue. But since I bought all these damn meters, I figured that once Trip asked about pH, then I'd better check it out. BTW, today's nute mix had a PPM of 540 and consisted of 1 ml/l Sensi Coco Base nutes and 2 ml/l of GO CaMg+ (1-0-0).