Fast Buds 1'st FastBuds Grow LSD-25 & West Coast OG

DAY 49
Well guys its been an interesting week... i just realized last night that when i lowered the LED's a little that they slowed down drinking which i ddnt think much about it the first day but the second i started wondering hat was going on so this morning it was like a light went on in my head and i realized it was because i lowered the lights and it must of shut down photosynthesis in the plants... so im behind 2-3 days I have the worst luck with trying to push these girls with the LED's.. o well here are the pics so grab your pipe,bong,joint,blunt or vape and lets get to this update AFN!!!:bong:

I think Shes eating her first leaf
Just beautiful!

thank you for the slap man... the smell of the lsd is even more fascinating then all her frost... its a palm smell mainly with hints of exotic fruit and hell i donno its pretty indescribable... if i smelt it i would never think it was weed... its just too exotic smelling!
OK AFN both of the girls will be getting taken off of Big Bud and getting Overdrive tonight! I PLAN key workd there is PLAN, to give them overdrive until day 60 then flush with Flawless Finsh until they are ready for the chop... if they are showing signs of rapid maturity like fastbus name suggest i will cut the overdrive short and flush them....THE END IS NEAR MY FRIENDS!!!