Fast Buds 1'st FastBuds Grow LSD-25 & West Coast OG

@tripaholic88 I feel like everything you're doing is perfect lol makes me feel like I'm underachieving! I think raising the lights will make those girls really take off. My lsd is growing an inch a day. She's 10.5 inches y'all today. For a while I was worried she would only be a foot tall by the end, but now I'm worried she'll be 3 feet tall! How tall are your girls now?
o man im far from perfect. already learned from my mistakes for my next grow tho! and i thonk i shoulda raised the lights on day 21 so im 2 days behind on that. and i got this feeling all my girls stretch's are about to start any min now. this ponytail method combined with the leaf tucking is something you should really try next time. they work great together to get your plants shape established. watch what im gonna do with these side branches or try to do anyway haha and yea most autos ive seen stayed small untill sex showed then things sped up so im sure my plants will be fine and around the 24-36" mark depending on how kinky i get with them ;) they are at about 5.25 and growing in all different ways every second lately it seems! i think a pic update is necessary tomorrow......
@tripaholic88 how often do you water? I gave my girl 500ml today and they already seem thirsty again just 12 hours later! I saw a rhino journal from @scally420 and he said around day 24 his girl was drinking a liter a day! Of course his rhino was double the size of mine at this point. I'm confused because I've seen people say "overwatering comes from watering too frequently, not from the actual quantity of water given in one session" but I supposed it's about both? Is the goal to find an amount that they'll consume every 24 hours? That way I can water everyday? Last grow I'd soak them all down and 5 days later it would be almost completely dry and I'd water again. This round I was watering every other day at first, but after vacation it became every 3-4 days because I jumped to 900ml and it was too much to water every other day. That's why I only did 500ml today because I wanted to get back on the every other day plan. Anyway how do you do yours?
since they have show sex(day 19) they have started drinking more water everyday. i have been feeding/watering 500ml a day every day. thats how i like to feed/water but i basically go by picking the pot up anymore as you do this you will see how some plants drink alot more than others.. my LSD-25 being one of them! and that is correct about overwatering. just wait till your pot is "light" and water again.
@tripaholic88 so glad you're up right now to give me instant feedback! My lsd gobbled that 500mls up in about 12 hours! The rhinos are a little heavier so they aren't quite as thirsty. Tomorrow depending on new growth I'll resume my Buddha grow.

I was under the impression that all of the medium should be equally moist when watering which is why I was watering to saturation than waiting several days to water again. I thought it I gave only 500mls there would be dry pockets. Obviously there are flaws in that theory. Does the water distribute evenly through the medium? Or does it not matter? Not trying to hijack your thread, I just want to pick your brain!
@tripaholic88 so glad you're up right now to give me instant feedback! My lsd gobbled that 500mls up in about 12 hours! The rhinos are a little heavier so they aren't quite as thirsty. Tomorrow depending on new growth I'll resume my Buddha grow.
I was under the impression that all of the medium should be equally moist when watering which is why I was watering to saturation than waiting several days to water again. I thought it I gave only 500mls there would be dry pockets. Obviously there are flaws in that theory. Does the water distribute evenly through the medium? Or does it not matter? Not trying to hijack your thread, I just want to pick your brain!
Im always up man, i can sleep when i die....on the fastbuds website they say shes a heavy drinker and they seem to be right. and i believe as @Fuggzy said that your soils dry pockets will absorb the water and distribute it.(depending on your soil and drainage im assuming) and you might have to up your water volume and find what amount works best for how you wanna water/feed.ive also found that slowly and evenly watering helps distribute the water better. i even go as far as misting the surface to break surface tension before i water....
@tripaholic88 thanks man! I'm going to try that out. It seems like the best way to control everything in soil. I feel like I do remember reading that from @Fuggzy but to be honest @Fuggzy has so much wisdom to bestow that I have to go back and study some of his posts so it's not until the second or third time I read it that I have absorbed it all lol. On top of the fact that every time I'm on these forums I'm up in the stratosphere :smoking:
@tripaholic88 so glad you're up right now to give me instant feedback! My lsd gobbled that 500mls up in about 12 hours! The rhinos are a little heavier so they aren't quite as thirsty. Tomorrow depending on new growth I'll resume my Buddha grow.

I was under the impression that all of the medium should be equally moist when watering which is why I was watering to saturation than waiting several days to water again. I thought it I gave only 500mls there would be dry pockets. Obviously there are flaws in that theory. Does the water distribute evenly through the medium? Or does it not matter? Not trying to hijack your thread, I just want to pick your brain!

Im always up man, i can sleep when i die....on the fastbuds website they say shes a heavy drinker and they seem to be right. and i believe as @Fuggzy said that your soils dry pockets will absorb the water and distribute it.(depending on your soil and drainage I'm assuming) and you might have to up your water volume and find what amount works best for how you wanna water/feed. Ive also found that slowly and evenly watering helps distribute the water better. i even go as far as misting the surface to break surface tension before i water....

So most of FB strains are thirsty lil' bastards. When it comes to watering and feeding, there are many methods. It is more what fits for you. I personally like to keep all my medium moist, and not do the dry cycles. Now I have recently just started pouring my water around the edge of the pot. I was completely saturating it, but as Trip said, the soils capillary action should soak it up. From what I understand feeding around the edges promotes the roots to grow laterally. I haven't mentioned it yet, cause I don't know how I feel about it, but it makes sense on paper.

Herb you might just need to up the volume of water/feed. Being that you are using the fabric pots, it is more difficult to over water. Every once in a while I like to just do like 500-750ml extra, and just pour it slowly so it has a chance to soak up, and not just run off. It could just be that 1 plants soil is at a lower base line for liquids, and need to catch up. Chances are though that fucker is just thirsty.
after i update i better not catch you trying to pick off some of these lovely leaves haha