Fast Buds 1'st FastBuds Grow LSD-25 & West Coast OG

I wouldn't say most anymore, (super autos and all that...) but the "little" ones still have the potential to get up to a good height, even when starting at 5 inches or so. Your not quite flowering yet though, it's just showing sex with its preflowers. It will begin flowering for real soon. If you keep an eye on the tops you'll see how the growth changes from looking like emerging alternating fan leaves to looking like a "cabbage" when it really starts flowering. Shortly after that it will start getting fuzzy with pistils.
Here ya go @Herbisaur regarding the stretch. i borrowed this from anoter post i hope surffreak doesnt mind :)

@tripaholic88 thanks man! I'm going to try that out. It seems like the best way to control everything in soil. I feel like I do remember reading that from @Fuggzy but to be honest @Fuggzy has so much wisdom to bestow that I have to go back and study some of his posts so it's not until the second or third time I read it that I have absorbed it all lol. On top of the fact that every time I'm on these forums I'm up in the stratosphere :smoking:
give it a whirl and let us know how its working out for ya.... and im the EXACT same way with all the info on here....

So most of FB strains are thirsty lil' bastards. When it comes to watering and feeding, there are many methods. It is more what fits for you. I personally like to keep all my medium moist, and not do the dry cycles. Now I have recently just started pouring my water around the edge of the pot. I was completely saturating it, but as Trip said, the soils capillary action should soak it up. From what I understand feeding around the edges promotes the roots to grow laterally. I haven't mentioned it yet, cause I don't know how I feel about it, but it makes sense on paper.
yes they are fuggz and i dont believe my soild ever gets "dry" when they felt ligh and i was about to water them out of curiosity i stuck my pinky in the soil to see for myself and the upper part was mostly very slightly moist.
@Fuggzy you're the man haha! The first person to comment on my first grow and you've been so much help! Appreciate it man! I actually do have a question for you. So I was going to do a ground cover. Probably pine needles because I have access, however I read @Majestic_ryder420 blackberry grow and he said his ground cover allowed him to go a week without watering if he wanted to. So @Fuggzy do you water even less (quantity wise) when using a ground cover? Or does it not affect it if there's good drainage? Also I had read someone talking about the acidity of pine needles and also maybe read you saying it wouldn't affect anything? I can't remember but I'd like to try a ground cover with this honeysucke
@Fuggzy you're the man haha! The first person to comment on my first grow and you've been so much help! Appreciate it man! I actually do have a question for you. So I was going to do a ground cover. Probably pine needles because I have access, however I read @Majestic_ryder420 blackberry grow and he said his ground cover allowed him to go a week without watering if he wanted to. So @Fuggzy do you water even less (quantity wise) when using a ground cover? Or does it not affect it if there's good drainage? Also I had read someone talking about the acidity of pine needles and also maybe read you saying it wouldn't affect anything? I can't remember but I'd like to try a ground cover with this honeysucke
Anytime man, I'm honored to help. I had TON of question when I started, and had a few guys help me out and I'm just trying to return that favor bud!

It very well can cut down on watering. With the fabric pots though, you get a different evaporation pattern, than a traditional pot. Not sure what he had, just you, lol. I tend to really still just feed based on the pots weight. I'll change it up too like if I think the pots is a bit heavy today, I'l just give it a bit less, then tomorrow back to 100%. Pine is a great choice. The below quote has a few pages I found regarding them if it would ease your mind. The dead needle does not have an acidic pH level. It is the soil needed to sustain the tree that need to be acidic.

@guerilla Thanks bud! However I am going to disagree with you about the acid level of dead pine leaves. It has been a long lived myth. Here are a few reading on the matter. I would suggest simply not using anything that makes you uncomfortable though, regardless of my link postings.

Take care bud.:smoking:
ok guys im outta here...:biker: updated pics will be up tomorrow afternoon :photog:
Hi guys I'll add my 2 bobs worth.
When it comes to feeding I chose a bit more less often as from what I was told it's more of that with overwater g it's more of the frequency u water not how much but I quessing there is a bit truth to that so I fed every 5 days it workout with my size pots 18 ltr and I fed till I see a slight run off I also do as trip does n I fed very slowly to let my media time to soak it all up.
Trip I uzaly find the stretch happens right around the start of preflower so ure in for the ride very soon peice lads
Hi guys I'll add my 2 bobs worth.
When it comes to feeding I chose a bit more less often as from what I was told it's more of that with overwater g it's more of the frequency u water not how much but I quessing there is a bit truth to that so I fed every 5 days it workout with my size pots 18 ltr and I fed till I see a slight run off I also do as trip does n I fed very slowly to let my media time to soak it all up.
Trip I uzaly find the stretch happens right around the start of preflower so ure in for the ride very soon peice lads
@Bailey i woke up this morn to quite a nice supprise :) i believe the strech is beginning for these girls upon following @Roark 's suggestion of rasing it...
will take some PICS in a cpl hrs as they look GREAT today!!!!:coffee:
Day 24:
ok so i think the LED being 16" away slowed growth (i keep forgetting i have a 96x5w not 96x3) so LED was raised lastnight to 20" and they seemed to respond overnight almost it seems...I have been feeding 500ml daily again without signs of burn or lockout.
Today they were fed 1.5ml/L CalMag Plus, 1.1ml/L of Sensi Grow A&B along with 1ml/L of SensiZyme, B-52, and Rhino Skin
PH: 6.4
Temp & RH:

Lets take a dab of some Lemon OG QWISO before we start.... Cheers!

AHHHHH thats better... now lets see these ladies! I haven't put their hair up yet today.
LSD-25:Shes coming in at just under 6"

All the plants are healthy green like this

West Coast OG: Coming in at 6" as well.

Branching is getting crazy. I love my girls with some thick thighs on them! ;) wire is to correct her lean.

Group Shots: Middle front(LSD) and rear(WCOG)

My other reflector 96 will be here in 2 days and IMMEDIATELY be hung up and put on full power...
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Bend Her legs back behind her head to get that deep light penetration into her insides and have her screaming for more! That's just kinda my style ;)
Before Tucking:

After Tucking:
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