New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

Ok I got one section that flickered at first and i had to tap side and it kicked on and been on ever since so does any one know if that's a hard fix or easy lol
That pic shows both out but one stays out guy thought they burnt out but nope you can see none are burnt
That pic shows both out but one stays out guy thought they burnt out but nope you can see none are burnt
Probably a bad board or something got knocked loose during shipping. Can you send it back and get a replacement? My first light I got had something rattling around in it. Had to send it back and get a new one.
Ok I couldn't get on here yesterday kept saying server error but we are here now but got the led panel there's one section not lighting up bout 38 lights total but it puts out crazy amount of light have to kill it to look at my babies and cool but puts off enough heat that is helping dry my soil out right so that's a big plus but here's the girls in final pots all of them I also added pic with light and the pic of missing section not burnt think it's a driver....View attachment 1065709 View attachment 1065710 View attachment 1065711 View attachment 1065712 View attachment 1065713 View attachment 1065714
One of those babes has some nute burn on the leaves it looks like but I can't see that well in the photo. I have been going pansy strength to avoid that. Might want to tone it back a bit because the little ones are touchy. Don't want to kill em lol
I bough the light off a friend for 20 bucks so I knew it had bad spot and the nutes burn has already cleared up but think it was root rot from other people it's really green no yellow on tips of new growth
Ok I got one section that flickered at first and i had to tap side and it kicked on and been on ever since so does any one know if that's a hard fix or easy lol
Could be a corroded or loose connection. Just have to get inside to know for sure.
Not now but I will get one I could t tell anything when I looked at it but I know nothing about them lol
Not now but I will get one I could t tell anything when I looked at it but I know nothing about them lol
I have 6 drivers I pulled from a light just like it. If they were the same I was going to figure out a way to get them to you.