New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

@Illini4life thank you for the tips I seen people saying transplanting was bad but i kinda wanted to see first hand since that's best way to learn on anything. The ffof I was worried seen lots say it's to hot but have a friend on another diary site that's been a huge help and has a lot of grows and they are awesome lol so he's helped me so far to get here. I think from here out I'll kill my 2700k lights that are just off to side to help light up box not on the plant got 5000k led lights on them. I think I'll wait til Friday next week and go ahead and transplant the 2 in cups to buckets but I am putting one in a shallow bucket like 2 gallon to see how it does it's a royal dwarf so it'll be small just want to see how it does. Today I had the second set of true leaves pop out when I checked em ans they are rocking right now lol the tiny bit of nutes I gave was low low low value type 4-4-4 jobes organics all purpose so I gave like 1/4 cup amd called for 2 and a half cups per plant but I made a tea like out of it and slowly been giving them maybe 1/8th cup in morning since my soil is still damp under the surface don't want to over water.
Nice. Yeah they really probably don't need fed at all for first 10 days no matter what in soil. Just make sure not to drown them. I am impatient and that two or three day wait sometimes is a killer haha. How big is your grow space?
@Illini4life yeah that's my problem I'm impatient lol but I in 8 days I've watered a total of 2 quarts I wetted my soil before hand that's helped keep it moist so I've just barely wetted til they get bigger seems to worked this morning I checked and they had a little growth spurt over night I also killed my back lights that keeped it hot and let it get to 78 f last night. My space is a cabinet that's 5 feet long and 4 feet tall and 2 feet deep fits 3 5 gallon pots and a 2 gal pot.
Ok this morning they are all perked up and the blue dream'matic is showing second leaves with a lot of purple fir some reason.. I'd love it if it is one of the purple purple strains. 1558792636488492169645.jpg 1558792692104114926930.jpg 1558792711321810809980.jpg 15587927439221555607588.jpg
Hey guys I got this osmocote flower and veg 14-14-14 I'll weaken it when flower time comes but that ok
Ok everybody today is 05/26/2019 Day [HASHTAG]#10[/HASHTAG] the royal dwarf that was started in soil in final pot is looking good and has good growth and healthy color to her..IMG_20190526_165159.jpg

Day [HASHTAG]#10[/HASHTAG] on the blue dream'matic germed in coffee filter. She is good looking and growing good and getting bigger and prettier I'm hoping I have a purple pheno type seen it's rare that most have a hint or just green and beautiful. But the purp pheno is just wow it has some purple in the new leaves and i know it's not a nutrient thing it only shows a deficency causes it from what I read but usually just genes. IMG_20190526_165335.jpg Now the yellow look is the lights glaring on it not actually any yellowing..

Day [HASHTAG]#10[/HASHTAG] on the 2 royal dwarfs germed in filter also. They are going great and got big growth last night the one in the front of picture is awesome can't say much other than that lol.. The one in the back in red cup does have good growth and looking good growing wise but it has some yellowing I figure it's just the soil burnt it a tiny bit with the ffof know it does happen so not going to worry for now.IMG_20190526_165208.jpg

So everyone check em and let me know what you all think about them thank you all for you support and advice couldn't do it with out my afn fam
Day [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG].......This mornings update the blue dream looking good and still didn't water today my soil drains awesome like seconds after pouring in but it holds a lot of moisture can stay damp for days.IMG_20190527_100715.jpg next is the royal dwarf started in soil.IMG_20190527_100708.jpg looking good still yet now the Dwarfs in their cups first is looking great all second set leaves are out and going IMG_20190527_100704.jpg looks good and doing fine.. Now the last one but not least the red Solo cups with yellow bits on leaves think it is from over watering well cup holding water lol..IMG_20190527_100448.jpg What do you all think it is causing and mind you i don't have a ph tester..