New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

Day [HASHTAG]#11[/HASHTAG].......This mornings update the blue dream looking good and still didn't water today my soil drains awesome like seconds after pouring in but it holds a lot of moisture can stay damp for days.View attachment 1064407 next is the royal dwarf started in soil.View attachment 1064408 looking good still yet now the Dwarfs in their cups first is looking great all second set leaves are out and going View attachment 1064416 looks good and doing fine.. Now the last one but not least the red Solo cups with yellow bits on leaves think it is from over watering well cup holding water lol..View attachment 1064421 What do you all think it is causing and mind you i don't have a ph tester..
That looks like nutes burn maybe? Idk the yellowing on the tips of the leaves. Hold off on feed for a little bit and just run straight water for a little bit. Do you have drain holes in the solo cups, maybe add more?
That's what I thought nute burn from the ffof cause those haven't got a real dose of nutes yet none of them have I've got some that I'm waiting til day 14 or 15 to start a real feeding but it's either the ffof doing it to just that one or my soil just isn't drying like it should I've got a big fan on them and the heat stays 84f to 90f during the day depends if i got em closed off or not
Ok I transplanted the one sickly dwarf made sure no light reached the roots amd planted cup and all and slid it off up and over lol we shall see lol but all are great and growth spurt woo hoo I'll add pics later
That's what I thought nute burn from the ffof cause those haven't got a real dose of nutes yet none of them have I've got some that I'm waiting til day 14 or 15 to start a real feeding but it's either the ffof doing it to just that one or my soil just isn't drying like it should I've got a big fan on them and the heat stays 84f to 90f during the day depends if i got em closed off or not
You should need nutes till late in flower runnin ffof. I run the lighter happy frog and still only water at 30 days or so
Where them pics??
Ha yeah iightve gotten little baked and forgot til now at 4am when I woke up m seen had emails with comments lmao I took em and forgot to post lol but here they is IMG_20190529_114129.jpg IMG_20190529_114124.jpg IMG_20190529_114117.jpg IMG_20190529_114138.jpgoh remember they're are pinned to open up the top so not wilted
This morning early pics lol IMG_20190530_110450.jpg IMG_20190530_110435.jpg IMG_20190530_110446.jpg IMG_20190530_110442.jpg they sure did change from last night's pics let me know what y'all think and the yellowing one os transplanted and starting to show new growth with barely any yellowing other than the tips
Ok I couldn't get on here yesterday kept saying server error but we are here now but got the led panel there's one section not lighting up bout 38 lights total but it puts out crazy amount of light have to kill it to look at my babies and cool but puts off enough heat that is helping dry my soil out right so that's a big plus but here's the girls in final pots all of them I also added pic with light and the pic of missing section not burnt think it's a driver....IMG_20190531_150346.jpg IMG_20190531_150341.jpg IMG_20190531_150406.jpg IMG_20190530_142549.jpg IMG_20190531_150352.jpg IMG_20190530_215058.jpg
Ok I couldn't get on here yesterday kept saying server error but we are here now but got the led panel there's one section not lighting up bout 38 lights total but it puts out crazy amount of light have to kill it to look at my babies and cool but puts off enough heat that is helping dry my soil out right so that's a big plus but here's the girls in final pots all of them I also added pic with light and the pic of missing section not burnt think it's a driver....View attachment 1065709 View attachment 1065710 View attachment 1065711 View attachment 1065712 View attachment 1065713 View attachment 1065714
Yeah its probably 2 bad drivers.