New Grower 1st autos ever!! Royal dwarf -RQS & Blue Dream'matic-FastBudz the under $200 version

Ok I had a major brain fart wow I read the bag and some how though it said a gram per gallon so i cut it in half lmao wow thank you for pointing that out it's not my fault no meds got me all foggy headed and like ughhhh
Hahahaha hey man that's what we are here for
Gotcha. If you fed too early that could have been the case until they used all the goodies out of the soil to begin with. Don't worry about old growth now. There is no fixing that. Focus on what they need now. That's my only bit of advice
Ok gotcha thank you I ain't sure on autos and it's a completely new world they are nothing like photos you can feed them and beat and torture them burn them and just give em hell and as long as your not drop kicking her and seeing if they'll stand up in hurricane force winds they'll pull thru and if the don't look good and short and you want to make grow some more you can flip em back to veg and let em go hell know people that kept mother plants alive for years and years that always blowed my mind and you can tell the stalk is the size of your arm or leg or both and grey or brown it looks more like a dang tree lmao but I've grown several photoperiods and had good luck on several but I got in a rut and have 4 or 5 grows Hermie on me no matter what I did they'd turn it drive me nuts til I quit I cleaned and cleaned my closet with everything even went the no no way and got heavy duty cleaners and shit that you never want near your plants but i swore there was pollen some where and once my girls (photos) would start showing sex with in a week boom there was a nanner or a sac lol but I stopped and went for couple years til I started seeing more n more bout autos n never heard of em n checked n researched and debated for months til deciding on the dwarves for their fast and small size and the blue dream'matic because it's blue dream'matic it's suppose to some of the best daytime smoke for meds or at least what I read lol
Ok gotcha thank you I ain't sure on autos and it's a completely new world they are nothing like photos you can feed them and beat and torture them burn them and just give em hell and as long as your not drop kicking her and seeing if they'll stand up in hurricane force winds they'll pull thru and if the don't look good and short and you want to make grow some more you can flip em back to veg and let em go hell know people that kept mother plants alive for years and years that always blowed my mind and you can tell the stalk is the size of your arm or leg or both and grey or brown it looks more like a dang tree lmao but I've grown several photoperiods and had good luck on several but I got in a rut and have 4 or 5 grows Hermie on me no matter what I did they'd turn it drive me nuts til I quit I cleaned and cleaned my closet with everything even went the no no way and got heavy duty cleaners and shit that you never want near your plants but i swore there was pollen some where and once my girls (photos) would start showing sex with in a week boom there was a nanner or a sac lol but I stopped and went for couple years til I started seeing more n more bout autos n never heard of em n checked n researched and debated for months til deciding on the dwarves for their fast and small size and the blue dream'matic because it's blue dream'matic it's suppose to some of the best daytime smoke for meds or at least what I read lol
I feel you my man. I'm thinking of running a photo grow next time around but we will see because I have like 13 more auto seeds I need to do something with haha.
I feel you my man. I'm thinking of running a photo grow next time around but we will see because I have like 13 more auto seeds I need to do something with haha.
Yeah better to run autos the photos are great but take a lot more time and require changing a lot of your schedule and need their own space really but you can run em both together just running autos on 12/12 after your photos are ready ti flip
I will take em off your hands! Lol
Lol I am thinking about starting a few outdoors in some pots on my deck. Idk though because I don't want the neighbors to get weird. Maybe I'll do a small pot so they don't get very big. Like a 3 gallon bag or something. Idk. I wish they would just hurry up and legalize here! They have no issues with bumping the gas and cigarette tax up as they see fit, and they sure don't drag their feet with that at all. Why can't they streamline this too?!
Yeah that's all they are worried about how to make every cent they can it kills me .... They drag feet on a natural occurring plant that's been here for millions of years and you gotta look at it like this too god put it on this Earth and made it look the way it does and no human neanderthal or what ever could walk past it growing wild and not see the very strange tall cola and the smell coming from it no it's goin grab em by their nose hairs and pull em in it's gonna lol be like a cave man not sleeping in a cave lmao but it's a natural element that evolved to what it is or you can say god put it her either or it's been here forever amd will out live us so let's enjoy it and learn from it and evolve with it
Here's some pics of the ladies they are looking better n better and at the end of pics the last 2 are like 20 hours apart and you can see how much they change it's subtle but you can see if you are use to growing and do it with your photos to compare IMG_20190615_163229.jpg IMG_20190615_110412.jpg IMG_20190615_110354.jpg IMG_20190615_110409.jpg IMG_20190614_233730.jpg IMG_20190615_110339.jpg IMG_20190615_110403.jpg IMG_20190615_110333.jpg IMG_20190614_231336.jpg IMG_20190615_163225.jpg IMG_20190615_110620.jpg