Sweet Seeds 19 day old auto carmelicious and auto white lsd

Hey how do i tell if its dry enough to start curring? This is how i got it set up a d i got my air on 73°f always on. 1 batch is 5 days into drying and the other is 5 days 24/7

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It takes 5 to 7 days depending on humidity. Then I jar it let the moisture come out of the core for a day. Then check it again, if the bud feels too wet still then put it in brown paper bag for another day. If it feels right then just burp the jar for 15 minutes a day for about another week. If you can wait that long lol. I'm assuming you don't have a little humidity gauge for the jar? If you do it's easier to know when it's right.

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All Rollin said and I like to leave some of the smaller branching attached to do the snap test. When the small ones snap you are close to done. Of course if you stumble across a small humidity gauge you can throw some of your bud in the jar and close it up for a few hours and you will see how much moisture is left in the buds. I normally shoot for 62% or a little lower. Then I jar all of it with 62% humidity packs and burp once a day for a couple weeks. Then once a week for a couple months more. After that I check the humidity pack and if still good I will seal it and the buds in the half gallon Mason jars with an air sealer to store away in my fruit cellar. It’s 60°F year around in there. I have stored bud like this for over two years and when you open the jar it is just like heaven scent. :bighug:
That's alot loo I'm tryna smoke this in like another month or 2 lol
All Rollin said and I like to leave some of the smaller branching attached to do the snap test. When the small ones snap you are close to done. Of course if you stumble across a small humidity gauge you can throw some of your bud in the jar and close it up for a few hours and you will see how much moisture is left in the buds. I normally shoot for 62% or a little lower. Then I jar all of it with 62% humidity packs and burp once a day for a couple weeks. Then once a week for a couple months more. After that I check the humidity pack and if still good I will seal it and the buds in the half gallon Mason jars with an air sealer to store away in my fruit cellar. It’s 60°F year around in there. I have stored bud like this for over two years and when you open the jar it is just like heaven scent. :bighug:

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You can smoke it once it's dry enough but it gets better with age.

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Yea that's what I been reading but I ain't tryna let it age that long lol.after a few weeks of curring,I'm good,

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If you double your yield with each new grow, as I wished for you, you will have jars of different strains stacked away before you know it. Heck, I was cleaning up a dark part of the basement and found two ounces just hiding there in a mason jar one day recently. It was from my 2016 outdoor grow. :smoking:Always a nice surprise.
If you double your yield with each new grow, as I wished for you, you will have jars of different strains stacked away before you know it. Heck, I was cleaning up a dark part of the basement and found two ounces just hiding there in a mason jar one day recently. It was from my 2016 outdoor grow. :smoking:Always a nice surprise.
Lol I feel you,I don't like surprises

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Turned the lights off for the last time,when I wake up tomorrow. Chop chop and I'll weight what I'm gonna put in the jar tomorrow just to see what I have so far

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No matter what you get, it doesn't matter, you got enough to enjoy your own smoke. This is not your average bag weed! Well done![emoji41]

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Thank you,I just weighed what I had so far I got a oz between them both,a half for each and I'm cutting down the rest today
No matter what you get, it doesn't matter, you got enough to enjoy your own smoke. This is not your average bag weed! Well done![emoji41]

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They both smell amazing and you can tell which one is which by the smell.auto carmelicious smell so sweat is crazy,I smoked a blunt of both..omg..knocked out.imma keep curring these bad boys.im proud

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