Mephisto Genetics 1 Pound.....1 Plant Mephisto Grow!

Day 27. Without question she is Sativa dominate. Still not a heavy feeder but she is finally starting to increase her wanting more. She is up to 200PPM but that is about half what her other sisters wanted at the same age. I moved her to a 4x4 tent the other day and hopefully will get the the new COB fixture together in the next week.

Day's amazing as to what can change in only 3 days! She has gone from barely wanting 200PPM to now up to 400PPM. I might do things a little different than others as I do bucket top offs and reset PPM levels twice a day and as a result am able to make changes quickly. But the way I have always looked at it is that if a plant wants more(or less) then give it to them. And the best thing I like about DWC is that I can make a change and it will effect the plant so much faster than in soil. Now one thing that has be scratching my head is that on the day she really started to pick up her feeding needs is also the very day I replaced the RO membrane in my RO/DI filter. I hadn't checked the PPM of my filtered water in a while and when I did it was 14PPM so I decided to order up a new membrane and now it's back to 0PPM. Maybe it was just the timing of it but it does seems strange that her feeding needs went up so fast since the change. Maybe what ever the 14PPM that was left in my water was pissing her off ...I don't know but I am not willing to stick the old membrane back in to find out!

So it begins.......

There is my super high tech germination chamber.....

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It sits on top of an old cable TV box that is left ON. I place my little Grape Crinkle seed into the paper towel last night at 6pm and as of 9'ish am this morning this is the results.....

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So.....after a whopping 15 hrs I have a germed seed ready for the root cube. Beat that!

over the weekend I upgraded my DIY Cree fixture from 100w to 200w. I added 2 more 3000K cxb3590's. This time I am using the 90cri versions. The fixture now pulls 201w at the wall according to my Kill A Watt meter. I most likely will build another DIY fixture using Citizen 1818 COB's once I move over to the 4x4 tent.

One small question regarding the high tec germ system. Do you control the temps by turning on off or you just let it still? . I messured the temps on the top of a cable
box that i have and it measures 90f. Is this ok for germination ?
One small question regarding the high tec germ system. Do you control the temps by turning on off or you just let it still? . I messured the temps on the top of a cable
box that i have and it measures 90f. Is this ok for germination ?

I just leave it on the whole time.
@HotBunz shes definitely a beauty. I'm gonna pull up a chair and soak up some of your knowledge. I just started my first coco grow but after reading up on dwc I think I'm going to give it a run next go round. And huge props on a 12+ oz plant that's incredible. Best of luck on your goal.
I'm in, lol. She is looking reallllllly good my dude. As soon as I saw this title I was like "oh @dcat0921 had one of those" You should know the first question I am going to ask, how much air you got goin into that baby? At any rate good to see you taking up the 1lb plant challenge my friend. I am going for 2 two pounders this time :) Ripley's OG on this one, I have one going and she is on day 2. I am getting my buckets dialed in now. I will tag you here in a bit when I start my journal up again if you would like.
BEAST MODE........

Well in the last few day she has gone crazy! She is up to 600PPM and is drinking 1.5 gallons of solution a day. She is 30" high and 30" wide. I just finished a Luminus CXM22 COB fixture that I can crank up to over 200w of power but I am keeping it at 200w for now. So I now have 550w of LED in the 4x4 tent, 200w of CXM22, 200w of Cree cxb3590 and 150w of Amare SS150. The plan is to add another fixture @200w but it may be the next grow before I do that.


BEAST MODE........

Well in the last few day she has gone crazy! She is up to 600PPM and is drinking 1.5 gallons of solution a day. She is 30" high and 30" wide. I just finished a Luminus CXM22 COB fixture that I can crank up to over 200w of power but I am keeping it at 200w for now. So I now have 550w of LED in the 4x4 tent, 200w of CXM22, 200w of Cree cxb3590 and 150w of Amare SS150. The plan is to add another fixture @200w but it may be the next grow before I do that.

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She might be a contendah!!!! I think we may have a formula for 1lb meph autos, DWC is the WAY TO GROW aahhhhahahahaha! I will be getting my buckets all squared away today and a couple beans dropped tomorrow or the next day. Love seein you crushin it