Hi all! Checking in and sharing recent set up changes at full 5 weeks and starting the 6th, which If I am not mistaken, should be just over half journey for auto white widow. (22L bags, plastic greenhouse tent with 100W quantum LED to augment morning/evening light on 20/4).
Small heater is keeping the tent at 15-19 overnight/mornings, and during the day I open it if full sun. Humidity was a killer, always at 80% overnight and whenever it smells like rain during the day, could not afford that with flowering, so bought a cheap 10L dehumidifier and set it up outside, feeding the slightly drier air into the intake vents. It brings the humidity down by about 15%, so hovering around 60% overnight - probably not ideal, so may need to put it in the tent (already too crowded). VPD levels have improved drastically with the DH (installed 8pm last night, see the graph for last 48 hours).
Plants seem happy - I did aggressive LST on all 4, moving new growth in all directions and now it is all growing like weeds! Fed with 1/4 nut combo of Dutch Pro Growth and Flower this time around. Will continue Flower only from next week. Any other tips? Using BioMix All soil.
Internal light is now only 25-30 cm above the top growth (10 inch), but the plants dont show any stress.
Hi all! Checking in and sharing recent set up changes at full 5 weeks and starting the 6th, which If I am not mistaken, should be just over half journey for auto white widow. (22L bags, plastic greenhouse tent with 100W quantum LED to augment morning/evening light on 20/4).
Small heater is keeping the tent at 15-19 overnight/mornings, and during the day I open it if full sun. Humidity was a killer, always at 80% overnight and whenever it smells like rain during the day, could not afford that with flowering, so bought a cheap 10L dehumidifier and set it up outside, feeding the slightly drier air into the intake vents. It brings the humidity down by about 15%, so hovering around 60% overnight - probably not ideal, so may need to put it in the tent (already too crowded). VPD levels have improved drastically with the DH (installed 8pm last night, see the graph for last 48 hours).
Plants seem happy - I did aggressive LST on all 4, moving new growth in all directions and now it is all growing like weeds! Fed with 1/4 nut combo of Dutch Pro Growth and Flower this time around. Will continue Flower only from next week. Any other tips? Using BioMix All soil.
Internal light is now only 25-30 cm above the top growth (10 inch), but the plants dont show any stress.
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wow bro I cant believe how you've kitted that plastic greenhouse out I've got one of these myself that I often put spare plants out just to make room and use the sun
Your girls all look healthy and happy @vizi, be mindful adding nutes with the All-Mix, it comes pre loaded with goodness and it's easy to over do it.

It looks like you've got it going on though, so just keep doing your thing :toke:
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Your girls all look healthy and happy, be mindful adding nutes with the All-Mix, it comes pre loaded with goodness and it's easy to over do it.

It looks like you've got it going on though, so just keep doing your thing :toke:

Totally agree, they looking great vizi. :thumbsup:
I've always used all mix and always end up with burn problems around week 7, light mix next grow for me!
Totally agree, they looking great vizi. :thumbsup:
I've always used all mix and always end up with burn problems around week 7, light mix next grow for me!

Eggboy, did you use any nutes in weeks 5-7? I am on 1/4 strength, and was thinking to continue 1/4 of Flower nutes all the way
Eggboy, did you use any nutes in weeks 5-7? I am on 1/4 strength, and was thinking to continue 1/4 of Flower nutes all the way
I've always foolishly but religiously followed the biobizz schedule with no reductions thinking ot was to do with hard water or calmag, I reckon you'll be fine at 1/4 strength. I'll certainly be reducing to 1/2 strength twice a week with light mix for next grow. Info on autos seemed to be sparse until joining here, loads of knowledgeable growers who are happy to share... :thumbsup:
Hello my jubblies - just a quickie
I have been using Grove bags for a short while now, I just hated the way Boveda bags always took the aroma away, especially when dabbing it was very noticeable.
Anyway, last time before I sealed a bag I put a little reader in there to see where the PH sat. All the bags sit in a drinks fridge keeping the temps steady all year round - so no real variables to speak of other than the bud that goes in.
This was only bagged in December so not long ago - and has not been opened since as the date I use to label is always heat seal date.
They went in at 58% RH and now coming to the end of May sitting at 59%. The thing for me though is the preservation of the terps, aromas and tastes.

I hate plugging stuff like this - but if you are in to flavour, go for gold

Hello my jubblies - just a quickie
I have been using Grove bags for a short while now, I just hated the way Boveda bags always took the aroma away, especially when dabbing it was very noticeable.
Anyway, last time before I sealed a bag I put a little reader in there to see where the PH sat. All the bags sit in a drinks fridge keeping the temps steady all year round - so no real variables to speak of other than the bud that goes in.
This was only bagged in December so not long ago - and has not been opened since as the date I use to label is always heat seal date.
They went in at 58% RH and now coming to the end of May sitting at 59%. The thing for me though is the preservation of the terps, aromas and tastes.
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I hate plugging stuff like this - but if you are in to flavour, go for gold

My order is coming any day now, I went for 8 and 1z pouches. After hearing all the good reviews on here, It was a no brainer. I'm going to dry in a brown bag then straight into Grove bags for curing, all that burping business is an art form in itself :jointman:
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Got my vegetable patch up and running - I have downgraded life in general massively so I dug what can only be described as a grave 18 or so months ago, and in there has gone, all my old organic nutrients, hydroton pebbles that were loose, and generally composting material.

A couple of weeks ago I threw a KG of worms in there as well, last week I planted by greens, strawberries carried over from last year.
I love a bit of fresh veg!

There are three Blue
berry bushes as well, still young but are not shy of producing - their soil came out of the grave.

oh, on another note - today was bubble hash day again...

Make sure your tools are always as clean as can possibly be people - it makes a massive difference.


Two runs, collecting the 45, 73 and 120 this time - this was Larf from the CDLCxFS - smells grand, very sweet fruits

enjoy your day/night
Update on the little ones in the fields:

Two are now one...

Same here...

This one is almost a half... literally flicked a black slug off this one before the photo...

Two are now one plus a topped one (will she survive?)...

The slowest one, but perhaps the healthiest at this point...

Down to five now, it seems. If they can get through the next week, things will be good.

Meanwhile, 10/12 Lecters popping in the greenhouse.
And the 4 White Chem and 4 Purple Moon Rocks yet to pop the surface.

Bring on the sun and summer!!