Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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5 bucks just solved the only real problem I’ve been having. Will be dialed in soon and then
Morning kittens.......mmm the coffee is tasting good this morning....seeing as I got 2 up and greening with 2 testers in a cup now it might be a good idea to get off my ass and finish the tent setup. Lazt ass stoner still hasn't finished putting in the exhaust system. Going to have to build a box for the 2x2's carbon filter to on top that tent so I don't lose height inside but that should be pretty easy.....Dollar General here I come.
hey guys current just came into week 9 now, I think maybe another 3 weeks to go at the very least. My top fan leaves around my buds are looking like this, any idea of what is the cause or if it worth worrying about at this stage, she seems to be chugging along nicely still and is dank and frosty as hell mainly asking for educational purpose. Thanks in advance guys

Running Parachute Resistance Trainer :crying: :crying: :crying:


I'm just waiting for a big gust of wind and then see him disappearing over the roof tops!
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