Photoperiod Teetee goes to the 'dark side'

Willy Weather Bro.... can't live without it. A weather-nerd's mine of information - on the app store.

Yup, TC Oma decided to head away up the coast, so we were spared a full on lashing
We only had a 4 hour power cut while they fixed some broken lines further up in the jungle... and it was during my dark period 7.30am to 7.30pm, so that was lucky.

My mixed bag of Dutch Dames been in flowering mode 12/12 for 7 days now, and all is well, considering all the pH issues of late.

Here they are as a group.....
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clockwise from top left... PAK2, Des Frans, PAK1 and Gorilla.

They are all stretching. with the PAK2, Des Frans and Gorilla all around the same height...
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The Gorilla is 69cm high, a massive improvement since last weeks 50cm, and the Des Fran and PAK2 have stems that are 45cm above the mesh, which is 35cm above the coco.

Yes, that's right, the Gorilla is growing again....
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I'm still giving her EC 0.8, pH 6.8 to 7.0 feeds, and I am still getting run off values in the pH 4.9 to 5.4 range, but it seems to be allowing her to get some of what she needs from the nutrients.

From above, she's looking a bit greener and seems to be picking up where it's most needed... her canopy....
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... but lower down she's showing how sick she was/is....
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Des Frans (on the left) and PAK2 share the mesh at the back, and are filling it out nicely....
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Des Frans is looking a bit greener as well, since the pH adjustments....
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... and she's stretching well.....
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She's also on the same pH feed as the Gorilla, and again, seems to be happier than she was 3 weeks ago.

PAK2 is really going for it....
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Loads of tops, and her stems are good and thick!
She's on an EC 0.8, pH 6.2 mix, and even though she also gives run off pH's in the 4.8 to 5.4 range, she's thriving....
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I haven't mentioned PAK1 at all, but she's coming good after a really slow start....
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She is on the same feed as PAK2, and has grown from 25cm last week, to 34cm, and is 60cm in diameter.
She's a compact little bush with nice chunky stems, and I think she's gonna look real purty come harvest time.
Yeeeee Hahhhhh!

All of them are showing the first signs of flowers, so I am looking forward to these next few weeks.
I'm managing the pH issues so far, and I'll let you know how I get on!

Thanks for looking in!
Looking very nice now bro. :pass::slap::slap:
she's thriving....

After just 7 days of energy diversion, 12/12. They have made the last leg to a great recovery. My prescription has worked it's magic,........ the new growth, is also like it never happened ! PAK 1 is going to be a potent outcome...............she is loving the treatment also......... new growth on the gorrila, is looking brand new too....

Dutch Dames been in flowering mode 12/12 for 7 days

Glad OMA missed you bruva................ and the power out period was during lights out, and there not in full stink mode right now !! lucky draws tee........ PAK 2, you wouldant even know she had any issues, if you look back 5-6wks back, was a very different outlook then........... nice work on the Ph recovery, and administering the prescription, consistently, and consecutively............. your hard work is now showing dividends tee...

I think she's gonna look real purty come harvest time.

The DF will surpass them all, for aroma, then pure destroyer potency, then couchlock !!! and the flowers will be 20% heavier then the rest........... she will take a few day extra, the others will probly come down before her.. but the mental one, comes to those who wait a tad longer, believe me !!........ most of the items on this wheel, will from time to time be detected !!.............. my auto DF has just started to get her legs on with the crystals !!.......... the arome is, away and beyond !!! can you get a 1m x 1m x 1.8m mini cab to finish of the DF !!! ALR



in addition tee your VPD, differential, has also been within tolerances,(Green band) aiding recovery potential bruv......... ALR

cant wait to see the DF go mental now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hold on tight, a mental ride is dawning in teetee tent............... aawwwyaaa................ ALR


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Well I'm writing this while listening to The Prodigy's 'Experience'.... smoking a fat doob, remembering the days when you could drop a Rhubarb and Custard and dance like you were Keith
Flint. (Keep on Dancin'.... keep on dancin'.......)

Mitsubishi's, White Doves, Dennis the Menaces.... man those were great days, and the video for Smack my Bitch up was (almost) like the perfect night out!
Wild times, never to be repeated!

Anyway, seeing as it's the middle of the night here, and lights are on (we are moving at 9 times the speed of sound..... Roger) why not take some pics of the Girls.

It's day 66, 13 days into flower, and this is how the tent looks....

clockwise from top left, PAK2, Des Frans, PAK1 and Gorilla.

Looking full and a nice level canopy..... the PAK1 is up on a box to bring her up to the others......

I've realised I have to do more waterings for sure.... once a day (if I can be arsed) is just not enough.... but I'm not used to having lights off, and mine are off between 7.30am and 7.30pm.

I used to be able to go in at anytime and give them a feed, but now I'm only able to do a feed in my evening time... once the kids are down etc... so 9pm maybe.... and that's after having to get rid of a bucket or 2 of run off (by chucking it out into the jungle - we have septic tanks for our 'domestic waste' and bunging nutes in there would be a no no) then to lug 40L up and do the mixing etc.

Come morning time, there's so much to do to get out for work, that I miss them before the lights go out at 7.30am.

So, yesterday I put back the clock on my Harvestmaster by ½ an hour while it was dark, and did it again that evening when the lights were on, so that in the end, I've shifted the clock back an hour... and I can get a watering in before I go to work.

I'll have to be a bit more proactive with my reserve nute, but if I pull my finger out, I could give them a feed at lights on (8.30pm), then before I go to bed (1am), then again before work at 8am.

I'm watering 3 times a day!!!! Better than 4-5 times a week, which is what was going on... doh!

I'm giving EC 1.0 pH 6.0 and they all seem very happy on that.

PAK1 needed the elevation, she is looking sweet as a nut....

She's stretching nicely and her stems are nice and thick with plently of nodes going on....

... and her flowers are beginning to form, with nice crowns already showing....

Everybody is in the place!!! Let's GO!

I swear I can get Ecstasy flashbacks if I try hard enough.....

PAK2 is a BEAST. Look at the size of this Bitch.....

From the top, she is really spreading out.....

Again she's got some chunky stems and is stretching very nicely....

She's very dense, and I have to keep up with leaf tucking and the odd minor defoliation to let the light and air into those numerous bud sites. I'd say she's the most advanced of all of them....


Des Frans is also a big Girl and is picking up after all that pH business.... I'm still getting pH4.8 -5.2 run offs, but whatever I'm doing, it seems to be working...

I really stripped her arse out....

From above she has a good amount of bud sites.....

.... athough they aren't quite as developed as the PAKs

Lastly the Gorilla..... she's really picked up, and is taking off!
(.... sent into Outer Space to find another race...)

Her new growth looks really healthy (at last!), so I hope she gives me a nice show for the rest of the grow....

Thanks for dropping in, and thanks, Keith for being that twisted Firestarter. That self inflicted mind detonator.....

Yeah, can't believe Flint is dead. Shocking, killed himself too.
I never forget the interview he did, he said he was in Enbankment tube station, 3 blokes walk past and say "Look at matey, he thinks he's the fire starter", Flinty said, "I'm hardly gonna turn round and say, I am the fire starter" :crying:

Nice update, you managed to really turn them plants around.
I never forget the interview he did, he said he was in Enbankment tube station, 3 blokes walk past and say "Look at matey, he thinks he's the fire starter", Flinty said, "I'm hardly gonna turn round and say, I am the fire starter" :crying:

Nice update, you managed to really turn them plants around.

Ha ha ha, that's brilliant! Aparrently he had a pub, whenever he lit the fire, he had a jar for Pound coins for every punter that made a Firestarter reference!

Wow! They really bounced back, Teetee! This is really showing that diligence always pays off. You were meticulous and consistent in addressing the pH issue, and now your plants are steadily recovering. Bravo! This is going to be a really good finish for these girls.

Guys, I have to credit @AutoLowRyder for the advice to deal with the pH issues... he got me onto giving pH7.2 feeds for a bit to get them feeding again.
PAK1 needed the elevation, she is looking sweet as a nut....

PAK1 pheno is lower than a lowryder rudy !!............ what a pheno type, have to say she has won my heart !!............... a cloncking little plant................ as you say sweet as a nut tee............ and is doing well under those proper led's................ i am just about to import 2 !!................... and give them a go !, on the grounds of your evidence.................. there can be no dispute !!

PAK2 is a BEAST. Look at the size of this Bitch.....

PAK 2,........................ she is just cracking on with it, just brushed it all and off she went after the bio slap back into alignment !!........ this boads well for harvest.........


Des Frans is also a big Girl

So difficult to tell at an early stage. As to which pheno she is "DesFran".............. but i think, now she has thrown crowns, and not candy sticks..................... she is probly the "Oxyacou" pheno teetee bruv.......... the 50/50 gamble on a single DF bean, has come down, me thinks, on the right side for you ;)

athough they aren't quite as developed as the PAKs

The DF is a slow starter, a twisted fire starter, she is lagging a little, but she aint to far behind the other flower taxonomy,..... so she may well finish, just a week after the Gor & Pak's tee, as she is oxy pheno......... you lucky fellow.......... she is so hard core 110% pure line bred, primordial "Sativa"..... pure as driven snow !! her aroma has yet to dominate the terps battlements, but that it will............ !!

and thanks, Keith for being that twisted Firestarter.

Started off, not a bad day, then the news came in................... at the start of the track, it just make me hair stand up when i think of Keith in the giant drain pipe, doing his dance, with the double "Ginger" mohawk !! then the tune breaks right open .............! got any salmon.................... say no more, we are such a long way from that space now..................... and a shit load poorer right now !!!!!!!!!

Dont hold me to it, but this could be above your largest dry load, up to this point teetee !!!! a personal best is on the way me thinks, as fems do chuck out that extra zip & % !!!........ i am loving being able to go in the room up till midday, every day of the grow, on auto's !1................ i know you said you are missing this, with the 12/12 7.30am lights of................ you just get in for a feed before work !!................

I currently, bowl into grow room at 10am and drop me, a fresh warmed and Ph'ed feed right into em !!...................... i have a cloncker of a purple pheno, from the other side of the daiquiri lime pheno tree, a giant purple colas double coke can size but purple !!............... all the other daiquiri limes have thrown the 100% sativa long thin candy stick classic sativa pheno's..................

However, but the auto DF is still not begun to pull back mobile nutes as yet, she is oxycaou but is still loading up like crazy tee.......she is thick with gnarly resin load, beginning to drip off it !!............ will open a thread for the final run upto harvest.......................the Dames are looking spruced tee, superb man, best to all ALR
Willy Weather Bro.... can't live without it. A weather-nerd's mine of information - on the app store.

Yup, TC Oma decided to head away up the coast, so we were spared a full on lashing
We only had a 4 hour power cut while they fixed some broken lines further up in the jungle... and it was during my dark period 7.30am to 7.30pm, so that was lucky.

Thanks for looking in!

That's awesome mate to have that on hand, good app. I run a temperature gauge and rain gauge. That is great it was during the dark period, 4 hours is not bad, we had almost 4 days and no power when that TS hit the Gold Coast region in December. It caused more carnage than Oma.

Girls are looking great, nice heights 69cm, around the largest NL i had
we had almost 4 days and no power when that TS hit the Gold Coast region in December. It caused more carnage than Oma.

Take some minerals that, just cant imagine it, the app chucks out an update;

STORM EARTHA KITT, IS TO HIT IN 16HRS, GET YOUR KIT AND RUN FOR THE HILLS.......!!!, JUST LEAVE THE RES TAP OPEN !!!...................... AN ANTI-CYCLONIC FRONT 500 MILE WIDE IS APPROACHING, WITH 150-180 MPH WINDS !!,.................. if you got a Bom shelter, get in it now !!, after you kick out the goannas, coala bears, huntsman, and browns, as they knew it was coming last week !!

Only in Aus would you have an a web address "BOM" for hurricane alerts service, www, bom !!

The summers make up for the terror though !!!!!!!!!!!! and the beaches !!!!!!................ ALR