Welcome back! It's day 76, and they are 23 days into flowering.
This is how they look as a group...

...on the right is PAK1, with Des Frans looming over, behind her. PAK2 is on the back left (centre in pic).... you'd see more of her if it wasn't for that bloody great Gorilla in front.
Yes, that's right... the Gorilla has recovered from her illness and has stretched like a bastard.
She is just over 130cm from the top of the coco.....
From an upward angle, you can see those long, long stems...
Wouldn't it be lovely if that filled up with hard buds! I reckon only her top half will do the business, but let's see!
I have a funny feeling she'll need some cane support soon... I had to put one in just there to get the pic.
PAK1 was a slow starter, but she's budding up nicely...
I thought I'd take her out for a bit...
I'm looking forward to seeing some beautiful flowers on her as these next few weeks progress...
Now with the Gorilla and PAK1 out of the tent, here's Des Frans (right) and PAK2 (left) at the back...
The other Purple Afghan Kush, PAK2 is just so big and full of fluffy bud sites...
Here's a closer look...
Des Frans is also a lofty Dame, also topping the 130cm mark, and is just centimetres from the lights.....
I'm hoping those long stems will be Donkey dicks by the end of all this!
You can see just how close she is to the lights! I'm wondering if it's too late to supercrop her and Gorilla...
At the moment the 4x Skyline 400s are on ratchet pulleys, and they are maxed out, so my last resort is to get some small carabiners and use those instead, giving me an extra 10 cm or so.... but it's gonna be tight.
I put those 2x Skyline 100's in this week, keeping them on each side at the back, and having full Skyline 400 coverage coming forwards.
Here's a view from the side window.... my eyes are fucked after taking this shot....
I'm tempted to try and squeeze in the old Helios 2's in there alongside the Skyline 100's.... I dunno,
@muddy-ledhydroponic, what do you think.....a couple of Skyline 200 mark2's might look nice in there instead!
Feed is at EC 1.1 pH 6.3 and they're getting House and Garden Cocos A&B, Roots Excellurator, Multizyme, Bud XL, Bud Candy and a touch of Nitrogen to support the stretch and give a framework for those big fat buds I'm after.
I'm still using rainwater, and we've got a week of thunderstorms, so it's gonna be nicely charged for my Girls in the final push to the finish. Plus there's been loads of Bats around, so all that shit on our roof will be well appreciated by them as well.
Thanks for looking in, have a stony old weekend!