Photoperiod Teetee goes to the 'dark side'

pH 7.0.....EC 0 rainwater as you know. I'm just about to mix up another 40L!

Alls looking well, tee mate, was wondering, re your water regime............

The 40ltr res water is stored in a single 50ltr open top bucket ? as it's rainwater, you do not ever have to worry about aeration !! it's perfectly saturated with 02, co2 and nitrogen........ how do you raise under house water tank temperature to within 2c of root ball tee ??

Put res bucket In the room, with the air-con going, so room and tent at 26-29c...... so the base water is within 2c of the root temperature, in the tent tee ?

4 plants, so 10ltrs fed to each plant every day ?

letting them dry out just once in 7 days tee ?

Do you make up the base "Rainwater" Ec0.00, with a buffering solution, (As It's Ec0.00) to 150-200ppm ?

Only you can also use b-carb for this, 'zero salt rainwater "Buffering" as it, bi-carb, it accepts cation ions H+........ so is a good source of alkali salt for buffering RO or rainwater....

So at the moment no buffering added, you just make up your "Built" nutrient profile, in the 40ltr reservoir, add the appropriate Ph up or down, dependent on nute Ec strength, macro-nutrient profile, etc... and feed em,

10ltrs each ?? 'FRESH MADE" Built / Crafted, Nutrient Solution?
every day....... say 5ltrs morning time 5 in the evening's tee ?

As we know at the moment your feeding an alkaline dominant feed, to raise the low Ph of the over-washed, acidic, duff cocco batch,......... so you are adding alkali (Molar), b-carb, which also is = to a pure water (RO) & (Rainwater) buffer, which is aiding recovery..........

You use silicone Ph up under normal circumstance then tee ?

i have what i realize now is a luxury of "Very Hard" tap water, TDS=450-520ppm, would give you kidney stones in a week !!............ but it is brill for adding to my zero salt rainwater, as a buffer........... so i mix 25ltrs every other day, fresh built nute set, warmed to 3c above root temp..........

As my nutrient strength (Ec) begins to climb, through the grow, i add more and more buffer to the 25ltr res. This off sets the increase in acidity, due to more nute going in !!............ i tune in to this, to a point where i dont have to add Ph down, i just withhold the buffer ltrs to suit, so i dont add any Ph down.

Accordingly, during last 5wks of fruitification, i like to feed @Ph7, this aids the buffer, and off sets any acidic nute build up, "After" the mid term 1-2 days zero nute flush, to reduce this effect......... checking at this stage what run off feed back is telliing me............. a 3 way triangle, soil Ph, nute acidity, and water buffer combination. Which shifts alkaline at the end of the grow to aid trich formation, and promote pk & ca uptake.................
The 40ltr res water is stored in a single 50ltr open top bucket ? as it's rainwater, you do not ever have to worry about aeration !! it's perfectly saturated with 02, co2 and nitrogen........ how do you raise under house water tank temperature to within 2c of root ball tee ??

Put res bucket In the room, with the air-con going, so room and tent at 26-29c...... so the base water is within 2c of the root temperature, in the tent tee ?

4 plants, so 10ltrs fed to each plant every day ?

letting them dry out just once in 7 days tee ?

Do you make up the base "Rainwater" Ec0.00, with a buffering solution, (As It's Ec0.00) to 150-200ppm ?

Don't forget mate, the tank under the house is for collection, it then gets pumped up the hill for storage in concrete tanks, and is gravity fed down to the house and out of the tap.
I fill up 2x 20L buckets and haul it upstairs. It acclimatises to room temp... I usually leave it a day, so its at a good temp when I feed them... very close to root ball temp.

I pour one 20L bucket into a 60L bin, and add the Cal Mag as my buffer to both 20L's water, add A to one, and B to the other, then pour the 2nd 20L bucket to the 60L bin.... then add the additives.

Once mixed, its at around pH 6.2, so that's fine for the PAKs. I then remove 20L and add pH up to that to make it more alkaline for the DF and Gorilla.... last night I made it pH 7.2, so I'll see what the run off pH's are like tonight.

I'm using normal pH up... I'm not keen on using silicone now I'm in bloom as I don't want it in my buds.
I don't normally use pH up as I usually have to use a few drops of pH down to bring it from 6.2 to 5.8.... but I have a bottle sitting around for those occasions where I get a bit heavy handed with the pH down..... it's Potassium hydroxide.

Last night I also upped the Cal Mag a bit..from 0.2ml/L to 0.3ml/L... something I usually do with my Autos once they go into flowering... seems to work for them!

Having them on 12/12 really reduces the time I have available with them... I miss being on 24/0 with my Autos, and being able to go in the tent and tinker around at any time. Now lights are on only from 7.30pm to 7.30am... I can see I am gonna have to pull my finger out if I'm gonna water them twice a day.

I don't give 10L per feed... more like 6L for the PAK2 and DF, and 5L for the Gorilla and PAK1.

Anyway, gotta run, Tropical Cyclone Oma is gonna hit and I need to get supplies... the State Emergency Service called and warned us about flooding and storm damage.... I bet we lose power.... FFS.
Tropical Cyclone Oma is gonna hit and I need to get supplies... the State Emergency Service called and warned us about flooding and storm damage.... I bet we lose power.... FFS.

thats the second this year !! 13 meter storm surge, 2000 people on cruise ship washed onto beach & stranded also !!

Is the love shack still standing bro ???........................ you there tee ?? over ???......... 10/4 10/4,

looks like you have moved right into the eye of global warming man !!............... i remember the first year, at the other gaff, when the water was 4-6ft all the way round the cabin................the water formed an island, as your place was on a mound of earth....... mental, all the reptiles made for land ! your island !!, ironic, it's steve Irwin's 57th birthday today,............. the Irwin killer stingray is 157 today, and still out there !! ancient thing's, ray's are super order, = (Batoidia) genus... lethal !!

Hope that storm OMA didant cause a power cut tee ............... hope alls well bruva..................... loving the A&B in separate buckets then mix as one etc............. if you ever wondered why your rainwater is Ph7, when there is zero salt, as the Ec is 0.00...............Ph7 is because, the rainwater is 100% saturated with nitrogen (Mildly Acidic), Oxygen, (Strongly Alkaline !) & Co2 (Mildly Acidic), all these dissolved gasses, pickup during the decent to your storage tank, show up on the Ph meter, in perticular alkaline oxygen, the Ph of 7, is due to the fact your water is 100% oxygen saturated, so good for plants man.............

Rainwater, otherwise known as "Carbonic Acid". H2C03......... Natural rainwater has a pH of about 5.6. and is hence slightly acidic. However, Pure water is neutral and has a pH of 7. Rain water absorbs carbon dioxide from the air it passes through on its way down to earth, precipitation, hydrogen cycle etc... Carbon dioxide in the air can dissolve in rain water to form carbonic acid, H2CO3, this the canna plants love like bee's love necter !!. To say i have noticed a difference from tuned RO, to now, the rainwater filtered to 20 micron......... hell yea ! ALR
looks like you have moved right into the eye of global warming man !!......

I thought that when I first came here, but these cyclones happen every year, and no one seems too bothered by it. In true Aussie style, all the beaches are officially closed, there's a King tide anyway, coupled with the high waters from the cyclone...... so what do they do?
Go surf...

Living up here in the rainforest, I can really appreciate and understand why cyclones happen....
it's nature's way of sweeping out all the crap. Dead branches on trees get ripped out, all the bark gets stripped off the trees, and the old dead leaves are cleared off.
Same for all the palm trees.... all the dead shit gets removed, leaving them preened for another season.

All the rain beforehand gives all the greenery a good feed, so they can flex and bend, withstanding the high winds.

This ain't global warming (although I am a believer...) this is just nature doing her shit!
All the rain beforehand gives all the greenery a good feed,

Your not wrong there tee......... OMA re-filled your tank i bet................. glad it didant cause you any issues man.......... did you get the storm come through overnight then bruv ??.................. winds quoted at 100-150 from the cyclone, was the eye to the north west of you then tee................. glad you all came out in one piece, and the gaff is all ok.......... that desfran showing any more sign of greening back up bruv ????
Your not wrong there tee......... OMA re-filled your tank i bet.................

@Teetee , shame we didnt get rain out of it though to charge the streams

Yeah, there wasn't as much torrential rain as I expected... got about ¼ tank maybe. Lots of wind up in the 80Km/h range, but just gusts. Nature's washing machine, just on a quick wash and blow dry setting.

Glad all was good your side of the border Smokey bro, hope all is recoverable with the Girls.
Thanks TeeTee, :pass:the girls are fine , just a few yellow and dying leaves which is normal when getting near the end. Yes, not sure of wind speed but took out a palm in the rainforest/ eucalytpus section near the creek, but I think the palm was a bit weak was about the ground a bit , least its not the bangalow palm, sounds like you did a bit better with the rain would say about 1mm or 2 out of it. Thats good , saves buying in water. Natures way to clean as you said, got rid of some dead branches left from crazy storm before Christmas.
Yes, not sure of wind speed...
Willy Weather Bro.... can't live without it. A weather-nerd's mine of information - on the app store.

Yup, TC Oma decided to head away up the coast, so we were spared a full on lashing
We only had a 4 hour power cut while they fixed some broken lines further up in the jungle... and it was during my dark period 7.30am to 7.30pm, so that was lucky.

My mixed bag of Dutch Dames been in flowering mode 12/12 for 7 days now, and all is well, considering all the pH issues of late.

Here they are as a group.....
day 60 group 1.JPG

clockwise from top left... PAK2, Des Frans, PAK1 and Gorilla.

They are all stretching. with the PAK2, Des Frans and Gorilla all around the same height...
day 60 group 2.JPG

The Gorilla is 69cm high, a massive improvement since last weeks 50cm, and the Des Fran and PAK2 have stems that are 45cm above the mesh, which is 35cm above the coco.

Yes, that's right, the Gorilla is growing again....
day 60 Gorilla 1.JPG

I'm still giving her EC 0.8, pH 6.8 to 7.0 feeds, and I am still getting run off values in the pH 4.9 to 5.4 range, but it seems to be allowing her to get some of what she needs from the nutrients.

From above, she's looking a bit greener and seems to be picking up where it's most needed... her canopy....
day 60 Gorilla 2.JPG

... but lower down she's showing how sick she was/is....
day 60 Gorilla 3.JPG

Des Frans (on the left) and PAK2 share the mesh at the back, and are filling it out nicely....
day 60 DF and PAK2.JPG

Des Frans is looking a bit greener as well, since the pH adjustments....
day 60 DF 1.JPG

... and she's stretching well.....
day 60 DF 2.JPG

She's also on the same pH feed as the Gorilla, and again, seems to be happier than she was 3 weeks ago.

PAK2 is really going for it....
day 60 PAK2 1.JPG

Loads of tops, and her stems are good and thick!
She's on an EC 0.8, pH 6.2 mix, and even though she also gives run off pH's in the 4.8 to 5.4 range, she's thriving....
day 60 PAK2 2.JPG

I haven't mentioned PAK1 at all, but she's coming good after a really slow start....
day 60 PAK1.JPG

She is on the same feed as PAK2, and has grown from 25cm last week, to 34cm, and is 60cm in diameter.
She's a compact little bush with nice chunky stems, and I think she's gonna look real purty come harvest time.
Yeeeee Hahhhhh!

All of them are showing the first signs of flowers, so I am looking forward to these next few weeks.
I'm managing the pH issues so far, and I'll let you know how I get on!

Thanks for looking in!