Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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try "St Possum day", jus to see what might happen :coffee: ppp
It said please provide more details for the prompt! Did a group of possums celebrating St Possums day and got this! :shrug::crying:

Is that really vintage? Like you've just had them laying around for 50 years or are they remaking it? Not sure why but I'm very intrigued :pop::face:

U can buy 4 packs of the glass bottles made with cane sugar at Walmart! ;)

They make cans with the real sugar too but doesn’t taste the same to me!
I guess the correct term would be more like "Original recipe in glass bottles"

Unfortunately, it is not legal to sell real original recipe root beer, which is a real shame since that was the motivation for the whole thing. I like coca-cola original recipe with REAL sugar. I have a several sources for that. The same goes for the OG Dr. Pepper.

Looking for stuff like Ginger Beer, too.

I don't drink much soda, but I figure when I do it may as well be as I remember it when I was younger.

I very well may wind up making home-made ginger beer (which if memory serves does have alcohol in it) but that is a ways off.
Dr Pepper Made with Sugar Soda, 12 fl oz, 4 Count

They keep it in stock by me 10 min up the street but i am in DP’s home state!
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