OPP is a hottie
She is! And the first clone I've had in years believe it or not -
I need to do more of them, if I can get clean cuts! This one came from AK via mail, "bare root"; all the hydrotype clones ghosted out on me, this very one was in coco and had much better roots and some size too --
....and now -->
After the high nitrogen stinky ass tea

thank the stank is the axiom!
Official Update - had to move up to tier 2-3 to get the right pics as were approaching the 9ft mark.

!! ..... She has a nice shape to her, and the canopy density is just right... there's a lot of Sativa-looks in there, very willowy branches... Interesting considering her lineage!
Nicely done as usual Mason, 'course you'll need a team to to help process her or you will be in trim jail hell -
I'm also liking your pitcher plants!
I know you are a lover of orchids and I now see your pitcher plants.
Is there a thread of @Waira unusual plants and flowers in the forums??
I'm guessing there are Venus fly traps somewhere in your garden/home!?
Ooofff! --those beaters are
all done, neglected at the site... They have shown some sort of growth/disease? issue for a couple years, so I isolated them there to get them in nice conditions and see if it came back again... it did alas, and since I have 3 large pots at home already, those I just had to write off....
..reminds me to give the home crew a major pruning, they are mess now with played-out pitchers. The best fattest are to come yet potentially, so I must get on that!
... no dedicated threads mate, just never got around to it

Ah, VFT, that has slipped by me of late,... there's a couple rarer cultivars I covet, an all red plant and one with super-size traps! You know, I should splurge a little, it's not too late yet to enjoy them before Winter!
She did not seem to mind her top blowing off

but she is 8 foot tall now.
This Northern lights has a peppery hint and sweet aroma

When I crack a jar or bag everyone knows unless they cant smell

Your girls are looking lovely and polished
:smoking: who'd ever had know if you didn't show pics!
Nice on the NL, makes me want to ask the one chap (owner of Real Gorilla Seeds, an excellent resource BTW) what's his is like,... The SeedStocker version is supposed to be more fruity/sweet, but heavy handed....
My latest little ones got a big hit of mommy's free pigeon poop mixed in with some water today.
Don't ask me how much, it's like about a cup in a gallon of water, shake it around, and pour it down.

... that's some raw-ass cookin' there m'lady!
...great to see more of your budsicles popping off, and in surprisingly good fettle-
Just a few pics of them today my auto Gorilla Punch is getting close to finish now.

stellar looking run Nugg's! We're not seeing much ground anymore in there -
UK runs outside are no picnic,...
Try a little epsoms foliar shower too, and see if the SO4 helps with the color as well...
I brought home the runty pale Eye Candy to see if I can improve her color some; she's been like that from day one, so we'll see if foliars can bypass whatever snag-up is in her that's causing this,...
That is going to be a beautiful hedge when they finish out!
...now prime time begins! I'm glad you have 3 of them too, a nice preview of this cultivar and if the aroma shows with some consistency... Sometimes you can get a hint in the stem rub-

- check it out!
Auto White Widow from Dutch Passion @ day 80

That is an exceptional pheno Bob, and well grown! WW is such an classic; like NL she's another I have to revisit-

... how's her aroma?



ause: <<<< I'm toast, more catch up tomorrow...